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Slavery: Is America Overdue Reparation for African Slavery

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Any research you do will have to be from a reputable and credible source like a scholarly book or a journal article (not film reviews) from the ACC library database. Go see a librarian or reach out to me. Ordinary Google searches and websites will not suffice. The appropriate number of secondary sources (not the 2 primary texts you are discussing) for a paper of this length must be between two to four. Please cite all sources according to MLA conventions. Additional Requirements Your paper must include an introduction with a thesis statement. The paper must be typed and have an original title. Minimum length: 1000 words, not including the words on the works cited page. Papers coming in under the minimum word length will be penalized. The paper must be in MLA format. For MLA formatting conventions, refer to a handbook. Do not include a separate cover sheet. Use quotations from the texts as evidence. Provide parenthetical page number citations when quoting or paraphrasing. The paper must be in MLA format. There have been updates to MLA citation conventions. For help citing, please check this link: http://library.austincc.edu/help/MLA/ For what's new in the MLA 8th edition, click here: http://researchguides.austincc.edu/MLA8 Include a works cited page. Revise and proofread for all grammatical and mechanical error


Slavery: Is America Overdue Reparation for African Slavery

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Is America Overdue Reparation for African Slavery

The misery of the African Americans can be traced back to the immediate period after their abduction from the African homes nearly 300 years ago. Africans were abducted and sold as slaves to slave traders. African were transported across the Atlantic Ocean, a journey that was not worth the suffering they underwent. Many Africans did not make it to America, and they did along the way. Some of the attributes perpetuating the misery were poor conditions in the ships, which consequently led to many people dispersing and plunging into the sea. Most of the Abducted slaves were from West Africa who was ‘sold out’ by African chiefs (Alexander, 8). The main aim of the slave trade was t source labor for European farms in America. African could work on the plantation without compensation and in rough working conditions. The Plantation owners, because of the large tracts of land they had only to source for free labor. African Americans provided for free labor more than 200 years ago; this raises the question: Is America due reparation to African Americans because of slavery?  America is due reparation because the American economy was built on free labor from slaves, Africans were treated with animosity in and out of the firms, Americans have the economic ability to compensate, and the fact that African have not been empowered economically like the whites.

African were treated with a lot of cruelty in the plantations.; the slave masters embraced little or no regard for humanity. Long working hours without any compensation, lack of enough food, and poor working environment made up all the hard times that the African Slaves went through (Aaron, 46). The slaves were considered inferior in complexion and in mind. The perceptions of African as inferior formed the basis of violation and the cause of the economic, social, and political disparity between the whites and the African Americans. The Africans could not enjoy most of the privileges that the whites had. In those times of slavery, there was the...


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