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Authority: Explore, Compare, and Discuss the Nature and Legitimacy of Authority.

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Prompt: This essay will explore, compare, and discuss the nature and legitimacy of authority.

Format: MLA, double-spaced


The book we use and pages the texts I want you to use are on:

Western Imagination; Renaissance to the Great War, edited by Gregory Murry


Cicero, "On Duties", P. 101-109  Link if you don´t have the book:


Machiavelli, "The Prince", P. 113-149

Link if you don´t have the book:



Must include: Introduction, if possible with a question regarding authority that is answered in the conclusion, main body explaining and comparing different views from Machiavelli and Cicero, put their views against each other as well as some opinions from yourself, sources cited at the bottom 


Some questions that can be answered: What makes authority legitimate? How should leaders exercise authority in order to be effective? How should leaders exercise authority in order to be effective?

NO Wikipedia or other sources with poor reputation, keep to texts and own "thoughts".


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Professor’s Name


Authority: Explore, Compare, and Discuss the Nature and Legitimacy of Authority.

Authority has a different meaning depending on the context of the field. Particularly in political science and sociology is the legitimate power of a group of people or people over others. This brings about the question of the difference between power and authority.  To have authority has to entail legitimacy, which is the popular recognition and acceptance by the public to the governing regime. For a government, for instance, to be termed as legitimate as to be acknowledged or recognized as in control of a nation and deserves formal recognition.  In his book “The Prince,” Machiavelli introduces the concept of authority as leadership that does not give full recognition to religion or morality.

Machiavelli says in his book that there is no way of judging legitimate and illegitimate authority. He believes that the elites and their power should be equal in society. He has said he believes that whoever has power commands but does not overpower the others in the society. Authority is, in most cases, exercised in a political setup, and one needs to have good laws and good arms. Machiavelli says that coercion creates legality, and he concentrates on force and stresses on arms than laws, “ordered political system, you need have good arms and good laws. He later adds that since coercion creates legality, he will concentrate mostly on the force. Machiavelli...


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