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Elizabeth Bishop: Confessional Poetry Poetic Style

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ENG 106: Writing Strategies -- Research Essay

Week 6 and 7 lectures have included guidelines and suggestions for the research essay. Here is an assignment document in addition. For your research essay, the minimum number of sources is two: a primary source of Bishop’s (such as a poem), and a secondary source (such as a book of criticism about her work). Students often use more sources, such as critical articles from databases in Seneca Libraries. The quality of your final research essay is what counts.

The essay of 1,000 - 1,500 words will enable you to pursue Elizabeth Bishop’s work in any direction you like. A traditional research essay in English is a critical analysis of a work, whether it is one poem, a series of poems, a volume, a common theme, setting, or context. In this critical analysis, you would research scholars’ writings on Bishop’s literature.

Seneca library has a good collection of books and articles on Bishop, which you can search through the library catalogue and through databases. The Toronto Public Library system has a larger selection of critical books on Bishop, which you can hold and pick up at library branches. The Toronto Reference Library downtown at Yonge and Bloor has a large selection of these books that will always be on the shelves since you cannot take them out of the library.

There are other approaches you can take for this research essay. You could research important contextual disciplines affecting her work, such as psychology, geography, history, politics, culture, anthropology, or gender studies. Feel free to check your ideas with me.

When writing your research essay, keep in mind that it is mostly your analysis. Your thesis will be supported by research; however, researched quotations in your essay should not exceed 20% of your essay. Please do not use headings. The key to a successful essay is your fluid integration of sources within your analysis of Bishop’s literature.


Elizabeth Bishop: Confessional Poetry Poetic Style

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Poetic Style of Elizabeth Bishop: Confessional Poetry

 There has been a long discussion on the nature and the style of poetry of Elizabeth Bishop. However, there are more links to Elizabeth bishop being a poetical canon of the “confessional poets. The focus of confessional poets dealt with the poetry of revealing their personal susceptibilities and insecurities. Being referred to as a confessional poet was the right address that she could be attached to her although she would insistently not want to subscribe to that ‘movement.’ The common argument of Bishop was that the tragedies of a poet’s mind are not scripted. There was a time that Bishop claimed that her wishes were that “you wish they’d keep some of the things to themselves” (Staff, 2018). In spite of the opinions of Bishop, her personal life was marred with alienation and tragedy, and she would seek a way to express her challenges through her poetry work. The work of poetry in this times of 1960s and 70s was a lyrical revelation, and therefore, Bishop used this moment as the right time to work out her work through agony. Bishop makes use of many formalistic forms, and more precisely, understatement and narrative tone to show her personal experience in a personal and subtle manner.

There are recognizable both distinct differences between Bishop and the confessional poets and slight commonalities here. Confessional poetry then “dealt with subject matter that previously had not been openly discussed in American poetry....


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