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Godfather′s Death

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Read godfather′s death and write an commentary. 


Example: After reading through the short story Godfather Death, I can say that I found the story simple yet intriguing, and I enjoyed it very much. An interesting aspect I noticed was the characterization of the doctor(the Godson). There is not too much character development throughout the story, but there is just enough. Now it is not the idea of cheating death that′s interesting, but its why he cheats death. It seems that the doctor felt no guilt for the people he let die, but when Death decides the king must die, the doctor refuses to listen. The question is why does he not want the king to die? Does he want more wealth and power? A reason is never given. It can be implied that he did just want power since when the king′s daughter becomes ill and her hand in marriage is the promised reward for the one who can save her, the physician once again tries to cheat death. Even after Death decides the doctors time is up, he still fights for his life, claiming he wants to live his life with the king′s daughter and become king himself, which shows that he seemed to only care for his own personal gain. Once again I found the story to be very interesting and enjoyable to read, and I found it interesting how it can be implied that the doctor wanted nothing more than money and power. Then write a response agreeing with viewpoint to: The Godfather Death was a very emotional story. I really liked this short story because so many unexpected things happened. The part that I found most interesting was where the father was looking for a godfather for his child and choose death over God. Instead of choosing God who is known as a good person who protects and cares, he chose death who is known for awful things. The child becoming a doctor was the perfect profession for death because he was able to know who would die or live. At the same time being a doctor was a great profession because it gave him the opportunity to gain a lot of money which was why his father was looking for a godfather in the first place. Finally, I never expected the ending since death was his godfather. I thought he would give him another opportunity and not get revenge on him.


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Godfather′s Death


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