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Article Review (What Caused the Depression? A New Overview Spreads the Blame)

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Over the course of the class, you will be retrieving and evaluating current event articles (in the last 5 years); making connections between the units we are currently studying and today. You will be responsible for finding an online article from a reputable news source. For example, Time.com, USA Today, The New York Times, etc. 
See the attachment for specific details and grading criteria for the Current Events Journal Assignment for Units 5-6



Article Review (What Caused the Depression? A New Overview Spreads the Blame)

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Article Review (What Caused the Depression? A New Overview Spreads the Blame)


The article, 'What Caused the Depression? A New Overview Spreads the Blame' by Stephen Mihm was published in the New York Times on April 21, 2017. The author reviews, 'A Rubble of Dead Money' a book written by Chris Morris, which analyzes the basis and consequences of the American Great Depression. The economic slump is among the predominant topics covered in-class activities to explain the simultaneous developments of history of the United States.

Connection to Class Information

Mihm’s editorial connects to Unit 5: The Roaring 20s and the Great Depression as it offers an overview of happenings during the American economic suppression between 1929 and 1939. It analyzes the divergent views concerning the cause of the worst financial downturn by providing a comprehensive account of how people lost their jobs and businesses faced bankruptcy (Mihm, 2017). Besides, the author examines the effects of the Depression on the present economic events in the United States. For example, today, economists use the lessons learnt during the shock to prevent its recurrence through policy formulation and implementation. All of these illustrate how the event connects with class activity.

Stephen investigates the causes of the Great Depression and exonerates Wall Street by blaming Europe since he trusts that the conflicts overseas led to the collapse. According to Hansen and Ziebarth (2017), the economic downturn resulted from military errors that had crippled European countries, making the world vulnerable to the crisis. The author believes that after World War I countries such as France championed for gold-based deflation and the abandonment of the gold standard, on the other hand, Germany defaulted on her loans, leading to the global financial suppression. Mihm trusts that the United States did not cause the crunch as it resulted from Europe.

The current event article highlights the...


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