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Discussion Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

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Being socially responsible is the awareness and responsiveness to the effects on the wider community of the stakeholders. It is evident how some companies are using corporate social responsibility to protect the planet and make a commitment to improving the quality of life for the communities they impact every day. The attached article in the discussion instructions Is a small illustration of companies that are doing the right thing when it comes to the environment. Additionally, there are times when an ethical dilemma in the workplace can cause one to question their value system as far as "doing the right thing" when it comes to others and the firm. After viewing the materials for this module, students should be able to identify ethical dilemmas and areas where corporations are being socially responsible.


Watch this https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/corporate-social-responsibility


Read the article entitled https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/corporate-16-brands-doing-corporate-social-responsibility-successfully


Read the article entitled https://www.classy.org/blog/6-socially-responsible-companies-applaud/


·         Discuss how leaders can be role models.

·         Describe a time that you witnessed employees of a company or even a manager being ethical and or socially responsible.  How did it make you feel and how would you have done it the same or differently. You can also explain a time where you witnessed unethical behavior or people not being socially responsible (you can change names or just mention the industry if you do not want to name the actual company you are sharing the negative aspect). Whatever you are comfortable with sharing.


·         Compare, contrast, and look for connections between articles assigned on a given day with each other or with past articles assigned for class.

·         Look for gaps in authors' reasoning or statements that you find problematic.

·         Think about the broader issues that the author's arguments point to. What are the broader implications?

·         Look for connections between theoretical pieces assigned and concrete actions that can be taken to put them in practice.

·         Consider connections to current event issues.


Discussion: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Leaders are the company drivers, and their followers tend to emulate their behavior. A positively behaving leader would positively impact the performance of the firm and its employees. Focusing on others is one way through which leaders can be role models to their followers.  According to Unwrapped (2021), servant leaders strive to ensure that, in addition to pursuing the company's mission and vision statement, satisfy its stakeholders' interest, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community within which the company operates. Implementing policies for employee training to advance in their careers and supplementing their education can motivate employees to dedicate their entire effort to serving the business establishment and help other members of society in need of their help. Additionally, leaders can be role models by being innovative to inspire creativity from others. Leaders advocating and supporting renewable energy sources in the company motivate their followers to use carbon-free energy sources in their homes to combat global warming.

Lego Company is committed to addressing the problem of climate change. The business establishment commissioned its $150 million to combat the adverse effects of climate change and enhance waste disposal within five years. The organization has heavily reduced its packaging and invested in eco-friend energy sources with a plan...


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