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Kantian Ethics


For this paper, read the attached court case and write a paper explaining how utilitarianism and Kantian ethics would each evaluate the situation.  What would each think is the morally correct action to take regarding the cabin boy’s plight?  Explain both theories in detail and apply them to the facts of the case.  What do you think?  Which theory makes the most sense to you?  What are the strengths of that theory and what are the weaknesses of the other theory?In this unit, we’ve looked at two competing approaches to morality--consequentialism and deontology, and in particular we’ve examined the two most prominent examples of those ideas, utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.You may only use course materials--the reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, and lectures.  Papers must be in 12-point font and double-spaced.  No title page is needed--just put your name and UC 410 in the top left corner of the first page--and you also do not need a reference or works cited page.  Refer to each author by last name, to make it clear that you are discussing their ideas (cite “PowerPoint” for any general points in a PowerPoint that aren’t specific to one philosopher).  Alternatively, you can use any citation format you prefer (APA, MLA, Chicago). As before, don’t get caught up in the page limits--this is a suggested page range.  I don’t think you can adequately cover the topics in less than 5 pages but I also don’t want you to have to write a novel.  That being said, a well-written and thorough shorter paper will earn a higher grade than a poorly-written longer paper. Your grade will be based on the following factors:  (1) Did you correctly explain the main tenets of Kantian ethics, including key concepts such as the first two formulations of the categorical imperative, the difference between perfect and imperfect duties, and Kant’s reasons for not basing morality on consequences; (2) Did you accurately describe utilitarianism, including key details such as how to calculate the amount of happiness, the differences between the qualities and quantities of pleasure, and the differences between act and rule utilitarianism; (3) Did you correctly apply both theories to the plight of the cabin boy scenario; (4) Did you address strengths and weaknesses of each theory; and (5) Did you provide strong reasons in support of your own views regarding the approach that you find most persuasive.  I use holistic grading, so I assess the paper as a whole, rather than assigning points to specific elements.  However, my primary focus is on how well you demonstrate an understanding of the key philosophical concepts behind utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.  A paper taking a clear position towards one theory without fully explaining the underlying ideas will receive a lower grade than a paper that demonstrates a clear understanding of the theories but which fails to explain or justify why one theory is more persuasive. Attached below are all the documents you need for this paper.Please let me know if you have any questions.
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