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Annotated Bibliography: Nelson Mandela’s Struggle for South Africa

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Now that you have selected a topic for your final presentation, this week you will need to construct your annotated bibliography using APA style. For this assignment, you need to select a minimum of 8 sources that you plan on using for your presentation and then construct the annotations for each source. The concept of constructing a bibliography is certainly not new for most students, but you may not be as comfortable adding annotations to the bibliography entries.

After you select a source and reference it in APA format, construct the annotation for the source. The annotation is really just answering a few questions about the sources itself and once you answer these questions this part of the assignment almost creates itself. Answer the following 6 questions for each source:

  1. Main purpose of the source
  2. Intended audience for the source
  3. Relevance to your topic (or explain why it was not relevant to your topic)
  4. Author's background and credibility
  5. Author's conclusions or observations
  6. Your conclusions or observations

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources)


Annotated Bibliography: Nelson Mandela’s Struggle for South Africa

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Professor’s Name


Ellis, S. (2015). Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the Origins of Umkhonto we Sizwe. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14682745.2015.1078315?src=recsys.

This article seeks to demonstrate the length in which Umhonto we Sizwe was due to the SACP and give the situations under which Nelson Mandela became a central committee member of SACP. The article is intended for students who want to understand Mandela’s role in SACP and ANC. Stephen Ellis is the writer of this article, Recht Malan Prize award receiver after his exemplary work, "External Mission: The ANC in Exile 1960-1990." Stephen Ellis is a historian and a researcher of contemporary politics. The article aligns with the topic, which gives an account of the struggle and contribution of Nelson Mandela to South Africa. The author concludes that Mandela joined the SACP as a militant to break from the policy of non-violence resistance. The contribution of Mandela to SACP and ANC is instrumental to the Actualization of independent South Africa.

Knox. P. (2022). REBEL WITH A CAUSE Why did Nelson Mandela go to prison and when was he released? Retrieved from https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6575640/nelson-mandela-prison-why/

The article analyzes the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela in detail and the reasons for his imprisonment. The main target audience is history students and scholars interested in studying the life of one of the influential leaders. The article gives an explanation of the suffering of Mandela. Patrick Knox is a journalist located in London. Scott has had many other writings on current political affairs. Knox, in this article, gives an overview of the life of Nelson Mandela and the struggles he went through in his quest for South Africa's Independence, from imprisonment to his release. It is indeed true that Nelson Mandela is one of the celebrated leaders in the fight against apartheid.

Limb, P. (2008). Nelson Mandela: A Biography. ABC-CLIO

This is a book that entirely covers the life of Nelson Mandela, A great leader of all time and the first president of South Africa after independence. The book has its main audience as students and general learners. Peter limb, the author of this book, is an associate professor of History. In this book, the birth, the early life, and the struggle for independence to become president of South Africa are covered. The book helps to understand the political affiliations that Nelson Mandela joined up to his realization and led as the first South African president. The author concludes that the imprisonment of Mandela was because of treason charges. Mandela’s quest for racial justice for south African caused his twenty-seven years of imprisonment.

Sewpaul, V. (2016). Politics with soul: Social work and the legacy of Nelson Mandela. International Social Work,59(6), 697-708.

This article explores Nelson Mandela’s political life. Mandela was taken into incarceration as a youth and spent 27 years, making African National Congress lose a prominent leader. The audience of this article intends to inform the south Africans are striving to have a...


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