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Course Project Case Report: Canines Annotated Bibliography

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Required Sections
 Introduction: The introduction should detail the purpose of the project including who their fictional client is in their authentic scenario, the focus species (including the scientific name), and the environment in which their focal animal lives (zoo, aquarium, animal shelter, etc.). Following this, a detailed description of the species should be provided to give the client relevant background. This may include proximate and ultimate causes of behavior such as their evolutionary history, group living (social/asocial), human interactions, territoriality, migratory behaviors, foraging strategies, important social behavior or communication strategies, reproductive behaviors or mating systems, and type of parental care (altricial/precocial).
Supported by: Discussion in Week 1
Methods: The methods should detail how the student analyzed the video footage for the client. This includes:
 The source of their footage (a link to a video on a platform such as Youtube or Vimeo). The video may be pre-recorded footage or from a livestream.  A minimum of 5 minutes should be observed.  A timestamp of the 5 minutes observed (e.g. for a pre-recorded video, coding started at 2.05 min into video and watched until 7.05 min into video) or if watching a live stream, the student should include the time/date of the footage (e.g. watched livestream on 2/23/21 from 5 pm to 5:05 pm Eastern).
 The number of distinct behaviors observed during the video analysis and which one behavior you chose as the focal behavior to measure.
How the focal behavior was measured, either as state (duration) or event (frequency). Supported by: Discussion Board Week 1 and Assignment in Week 2
Results: The results section should detail what was found through analyzing the video footage. This will include:
 An ethogram with behavioral definitions and photos of each behavior (these can be screenshots from the video or photos found online). Each behavior should be assigned to a behavioral category (e.g. Affiliative Social Behavior, or Maintenance Behavior). A minimum of 5 behaviors should be included in the ethogram. If 5 behaviors were not observed in the footage then the student should find additional behaviors common to that species to include (please make a note that these were not observed in the footage).
 The results of your footage analysis for your focal behavior (e.g. the focal behavior of grooming occurred for 32% of the 5 minute session).
At least 1 graph illustrating the data you collected. Supported by: Assignment in Week 1
Conclusion & Applications: This section should summarize your findings from the footage analysis. What behaviors were included in your ethogram and what are the importance of these behaviors for this animal? How may the behavior vary given different life experiences (e.g. socialized/unsocialized to humans or live in wild/captive settings)? What did the results of your footage analysis tell you about the focal behavior? What are some potential costs and benefits of engaging in the focal behavior? What is animal welfare and what are some suggestions you can provide to the client to increase the welfare of this animal species while in their care? What types of enrichment could be provided to promote this natural behavior? The goal of this section is to put all of your information into context with scholarly sources and provide recommendations to your client to promote natural behavior in the animal species.
Supported by: Week 4 Discussion Board and Assignment in Week 4
References: A minimum of 6 scholarly sources should be included in the project, cited throughout using in-text citations, and listed in proper APA format. Credits to photos used in the ethogram should also be included.
 Supported by: Assignment in Week 3


Canines Annotated Bibliography

Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation





Abrantes, R. (2004). Evolution of canine social behaviour. Dog wise Publishing.


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