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2.1 Introduction
chapter analyses the theoretical and empirical literature from other
researchers on supply chain management practices, organizational culture and
performance of Kenyan fast moving manufacturing firms. Also, it covers the
conceptual framework assessing the relationships of the independent and dependent
variables. Finally, this chapter carries out a critical review of the pieces of
literature and establishes the research gaps.
2.2 Theoretical Review
A theory is defined as ideologies or declarations that
explain a given occurrence or event, particularly, one that has been examined
before or is extensively accepted and can be used to provide predictions for
natural predictions. Theories provide analytical tools that can be used on
making, explaining and understanding prediction concerning a particular
phenomenon (Lozano & Valles, 2013). A formal theory is meaningless but only makes sense
after being accorded a semantic component after being applied to some context.
This study will rely on the following theories; resource-based theory, system
theory, lean production theories, and the theory of constraints.
2.2.1 Resource Dependency Theory
Resource Dependence Theory, promoted by Nienhüser (2015), is
the study of how external resources affect the performance of an organization.
The productivity of the tactical and strategic management of a firm relies on
the acquisition of external resources. The publication of the External Control of Organizations: A
Resource Dependence Perspective in the 1970s marked the formalization of
this theory this is despite having vital importance (Nienhüser, 2015). This
theory bears implications in the procurement effectiveness of the buying firms
especially in the tapping into the purchasing relationship. Casciaro and
Piskorski (2014) assert that this theory highlights purchasing as an essential
element in the practices of supply chain management. Further, the theory argues
that actors lacking in vital resources will work toward establishing beneficial
relationships that will aid in the acquisition of new resources.
To remain in business buyers rely on suppliers to acquire
external resources as well as sellers who increase access to precious markets.
Besides, through reducing the dependence levels organizations try to take
control of their operations or try to be competitive by increasing the
dependence of other organizations on them. Within this viewpoint, organizations
are believed to be coalitions that alert their structure and patterns of
behavior to aid in the acquisition and maintenance of the required external
resources. By reducing an organizations dependence on other or by increasing
the reliance of others on it, organizations successfully acquire external
resources needed. Casciaro and Piskorski (2014) assert that this type of
modification help organizations to consolidate power. The Resource Dependency
Theory has two basic assumptions; competencies and resources are distributed
heterogeneously among organizations; and competencies and resources are
imperfectly mobile, which differentiates firms and maintains stability (Casciaro, & Piskorski, 2014).
2.2.2 System Theory
theory involves the interdisciplinary study of systems with the aim of
expounding on the ideologies that can be functional to different types of
systems at different levels of research (Haddad
et al., 2012). This theory is not assumed to be a specialized system thinking;
otherwise as an objective outcome of systems science. This theory emphasizes
the generalization value across a broad range of systems thus it is applicable
in this study to indicate the management of operational supplies and system
management in distribution. Various fundamental ideas formed the basis of the
systems view, and for example, all events can be explained by a web of
relationships among a system, or elements. Secondly, all systems are defined by
a universal property, behavior, and pattern that can be analyzed by an
observer. According to Shaw (2011), this situation can be used in the
development of insights into the behavior of complex events and move towards
the unification of science.
et al. (2012) assert that a referential system comprises of activist groups
that interact or interrelate during the distribution practices within and
outside of an organization. Concerning the supply chain management field, the
fundamentals of the System Theory combine the different elements of the complex
supply chain. These elements include financial, material, knowledge, capital
and human resources that create a subsystem which acts as part of a more
significant system of the supply chain. According to Shaw (2011), the System
Theory asserts that for an all-inclusive outlook it must be applied to provide
insight on the external and internal factors that can be determined by the
supply chain performance of an organization concerning its distribution levels.
Heinze (2013) affirms that the System Theory explains how different parts of an organization are interrelated and how the change in a particular area possesses rippling effects. According to Haddad et al. (2012), an organization can be defined as systems that interact with their environment. To adapt to the changes in an environmental organization continuously affect the balance of equilibrium. This theory is built on the premise that all elements of an organization are...