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Synthesis Literature Review: Employee Training

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Synthesis Literature Review: Employee Training


Synthesis Literature Review: Employee Training


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Employee Training

The review of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles on staff training had demonstrated three major categories; the impacts of staff training on employee performance, saving companies time and costs, and training strategies that can be embraced to equip employees with relevant skills.

Staff Training to enhance employee productivity

Studies have demonstrated that staff training helps improve workforce performance since it equips them with relevant skills needed in their work. Well-informed employees are less vulnerable to stress than their counterparts who lack the expertise required for their profession. Once trained, employees can execute tasks correctly for the first time. The chances of repeating a process by workers with prowess in their field of work are minimal. According to (Lamppu, 2022), stress that adversely impacts employee performance emanates from doing one activity repeatedly without getting the desired outcomes. As a result, they spend more time on one task consuming too much time that count be used to performing more work to boost productivity.

 Brooks et al. (2018).) shed more light on the positive relationship between staff training and improved performance by identifying that trained employees will have confidence in themselves. Therefore, they do not fear taking initiatives tailored to generate high and quality products in their quality because they are on what they are doing. Iqbal et al. (2019), in their study on the impact of employee training on work productivity, concluded that the initiative enhances employee productivity because the employee is willing to dedicate more of their effort to see the company succeed. They maintained that training shows employees that the company appreciates the contribution they make to the company and has a good plan for them. As a result, they reciprocate by going the extra mile to deliver the company's high quantity and excellent work without asking for additional pay.

In addition, frequent training of employees keeps them abreast of the changes in the industry they operate. Al Karim (2019) noted that on-the-job training staff is more productive than their counterparts hired with skills and do not benefit from regular company training programs. He added that the training initiative informs employees about the dynamic in the job market and provides them with an opportunity they can tap to upgrade their performance. For instance, an individual without information technology prowess can learn such skills at work and apply them to run automated and computerized systems to execute large workloads faster than when to the same job manually.

The impact of staff training on company time and costs

The literature on the effects of employee training on the organization depicted a mixed reaction from various. Some studies show that training staff wastes the company's resources and time. While others consider it is merit for a company to train its workforce, citing that it confirms more benefits to the company than inherent loss.

Some research shoe that staff training time is spent on problem-solving. Jakubiec (2020) contends that skilled individuals listen to an issue before responding and carefully reason before giving their response. As a result, they would minimize the time wasted quarreling about the issue under discussion. In...


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