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Administration and
Politics Dichotomy
Institution Affiliation
Woodrow was a major ardent proponent that
was devoted to separate public administration and politics as distinct
disciplines during his presidency in the United States. According to Overeem
(2005), the political department is filled with too much strife and hurry hence
Woodrow was proposing a separation between the two disciplines. Despite clarion
calls by several advocates, administration of public affairs remains under the
wings of political governance to date.
Before further delving in the political
administration and applicability of the distinction in the governance,
Rosenbloom (2008), provides a distinction between administration and politics.
In a practical sense, the political role is limited to determining who shall
make the law and what shall it be. On the other hand, the primary concern of
administration is to establish the enforceability of the law and how it can be
I believe the distinction is applicable in
a consciously controlled political government. When political divides and
administration functions strive to achieve a common objective, the application
of this policy would be effective. Furthermore, there exist various instances
in the United States which have presented prove that there is a need for a
clear distinction between the two bodies. For instance, when crises of
Watergate, Vietnam War, and energy ensued in the 1970s, the administration and
political balance were affected significantly due to lack of agreement on which
department of responsible for what action.
of administration and politics dichotomy
Expounding on his theory of political
separation from the administration, Woodrow believed that application of the
policy would ensure a politically neutral and technical administrative system
that support the democracy. Besides, using dichotomy in our today’s society
will eliminated and revert the spoiled system in the United States and make the
administration business-like by developing scientific lines on its own.
Furthermore, the dichotomy is an important tool that a nation can leverage as a factor to build on efficient administration and keep the government out of partisan political interference. In his view, Woodrow considered the study of public administration as a milestone in the study of political science that has been in practice for decades. Besides, separate administrative functions...