This week is about choosing your topic for your final paper. I've provided a list of possible topics. You can choose from the list or select one of your own. Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper (5 pages - not including title page and references). Choose a topic that interests you! List of Healthcare Services Administration research paper topics • Technical impact on the improvement of health • What is the role of the healthcare management team to maintain the security of patients? • Healthcare education & training • What is the importance of good human resources in the healthcare industry? • Challenges confronted by the healthcare management team to manage the privacy of patients. • Role of financial management software and its knowledge in the healthcare department for the management. • Healthcare management & leadership • Advantages and Challenges of E-health Technology. • Scientific innovations + progress • Several ways the government invest in the development of healthcare services in the United States • Challenges confronted by the healthcare management team to manage the privacy of patients. • Inequalities that exist in healthcare & medicine • How to motivate your staff of the hospital to bring out the maximum output from their work for the hospital? • Controversial Issues in the US Healthcare System • A shift from inpatient hospitalization to ambulatory care • How are the prisoners treated regarding health? • A culture of quality improvement • Cost cutting measures and effectiveness of healthcare models • Decreasing waiting times in in private hospitals • Patient satisfaction in public versus private hospitals • Waste disposal management in hospitals • Absenteeism in public hospitals • Methods used to improve staff relations in healthcare environment • The correlation between the quality of patient service and revenue • Efficiency of the ongoing breast cancer research studies • Third-party Payers • The primary problems associated with the mental health economy • The impact of regular staff training on the quality of patient services • Legal responsibility of the hospital administration • Bioethic: what is this and why it emerged? • Euthanasia and assisted suicide: the moral aspects. Is it still healthcare? • The most dangerous illnesses of 21 century • The differences between public and private healthcare • How Can We Achieve Health Equity? • The Biggest Health Challenges Facing Youth nstructions: You will use proper MLA format to write an annotated bibliography that includes at least eight sources. You will begin the paper with your tentative thesis statement or at least an idea of how you are narrowing your topic. Then, you will provide citations (in alphabetical order) for sources that you think will be useful for your research. After each citation, you will write a paragraph that discusses the main ideas of the source and the ways that you can use the information in the source for your research paper. The annotated bibliography should be more than three pages long. Source Requirements: 8 total sources. You will use at least six scholarly sources, any combination of six books and scholarly journal articles. If you choose to use a website, you must be able to show that the site is credible by providing information about the author or organization that published the website. You may also use magazines, newspaper articles, documentaries, interviews, and other non-traditional sources, but these types of sources are not required. Annotation Requirements: In the paragraphs following your citations, you must provide specific examples of the kinds of information found in the source. You also must explain how this specific source will be useful in your research. What kind of information do you find in this source that you are not getting from other sources? You can also write about the accessibility of the source, and if you are using a website, you must write about the author’s credibility. Evaluation: This assignment will be worth 100 points: 10 points for the thesis, 10 points for alphabetical order and proper MLA format, 5 points for each citation (for a total of 40 points), and 5 points for each annotation (for a total of 40 points). Rough Draft Due: March 23 by 8:00 PM. Final Draft Due: Apr. 2 in Class Instructions: You will use proper APA format to write an annotated bibliography that includes at least six (6) sources. You will begin the paper with your tentative thesis statement or at least an idea of how you are narrowing your topic. Then, you will provide citations (in alphabetical order) for sources that you think will be useful for your research. After each citation, you will write a paragraph (150 – 200 words) that discusses the main ideas of the source and the ways that you can use the information in the source for your research paper. Requirements: Six (6) total sources. You should use at least 2 scholarly sources, any combination of books and scholarly journal articles. If you choose to use a website, you must be able to show that the site is credible by providing information about the author or organization that published the website. You may also use magazines, newspaper articles, documentaries, interviews, and other non-traditional sources. Annotation Requirements: In the paragraphs following your citations, you must provide specific examples of the kinds of information found in the source. You also must explain how this specific source will be useful in your paper. What kind of information do you find in this source that you are not getting from other sources? You can also write about the accessibility of the source, and if you are using a website, you must write about the author’s credibility. Most importantly, an annotated bibliography is an ORIGINAL WORK CREATED BY YOU for your instructor to evaluate and grade. Copying any part of the source and including it in your annotated bibliography is plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty. Evaluation: This assignment will be worth 25 points: 7 points for alphabetical order and proper APA format 1 point for each citation (for a total of 6 points), 2 points for each annotation (for a total of 12 points).