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Qualitative and Quantitative Articles on Public Administration

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Qualitative and Quantitative Articles on Public Administration


Qualitative and Quantitative Articles on Public Administration

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Qualitative and Quantitative Articles on Public Administration


Public administration is a broad field that focuses on the implementation of government policies. The primary role of administration in government is to deliver the needs of the people through enhancing economic growth, developing infrastructures, creating effective social interacting, and ensuring citizens are secure from local and international security aggressions. Public administration also aims at helping people deprived social amenities and controlling crime. One way of promoting social interaction through public administration is monitoring alcohol abuse among young people. Discussion presented in this paper addressed different point of viewed by comparing one qualitative and one quantitative article and presenting the illustration using a five-section plan. The thematic areas selected for discussing under public administration is regulation of alcohol abuse among teenagers. Despite applying varying research designs for both qualitative and the quantitative studies, authors make a similar conclusion that misuse of liquor among millennials in common.

1.0  Section One: Overview of each Article

1.1  Qualitative Article

The article “A qualitative study of the relationship between alcohol consumption and risky sex in adolescents,” written by Coleman & Cater (2005) examines the affect possibility of young people engaging in irresponsible sexual acts as a result of intoxication. In this study, authors defined irresponsible intercourse acts as a behavior that bears negative implication on the involved parties such as spread of transmittable diseases and early pregnancies. Besides, the age bracket of young people considered in the study was between 14-17years; conveniently selected for people within their first few years in collects. The overall objective of the study was to demonstrate how minor engages in alcohol abuse can turn their live negatively. The study is guided by a hypothesis that there exists a strong correlation between use of liquor and dangerous intercourse among teenagers.

The theoretical basis of the study is grounded on the social-cognitive theory. According to Coleman & Cater (2005), this theory considers the social situation and molding behaviors among people. The main tenant of this philosophy is that intentional conduct of people is a product of the environment in which they are exposed to; more so, intoxication can corrupt one’s ability to decide and take correct measures against critical circumstances. Coleman & Cater (2005) believed that the theory of social cognition is a good measure impairment of people’s judgement hence leading to loss of locus of control. As a result, it is evident that the key theoretical basis of the selected qualitative study revolved around human’s ability to make decision and how use of alcohol can hamper such efforts.

1.2  Quantitative Article

Moure-Rodriguez, Carbia, Lopez-Caneda, Corral, Cadaveira, & Caamano-Isorna (2018) wrote a quantitative article on “Trends in alcohol use among young people according to the pattern of consumption on starting university,” whose main objective was to create an understanding on aspects that compels young people to engage in binge abuse. Authors adopted a longitudinal study towards understanding the tread of drinking alcohol among young people. Researchers made a nine-year follow-up investigating that result to a conclusion that early introduction to misuse of binge led to the early onset of addiction on university students. Authors defined the pattern of consumption as a persistence behavior of overdrinking as portrayed by the surveyed campus student over a period of nine years. The primary hypothesis guiding the study was that tread of alcoholism among younger generation has a strong relationship on the binge addiction and related liquor disorders.


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