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Reading Summary, Analyzing, and Responding: Some People are Just Born Good Writers

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Reading Summary, Analyzing, and Responding: Some People are Just Born Good Writers



Reading Summary, Analyzing, and Responding: Some People are Just Born Good Writers

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Reading Summary, Analyzing, and Responding: Some People are Just Born Good Writers


Perceiving authors are god-sent creatures alienates people from experiencing the true power of writing as a form of art. Instead, the author recommends upcoming writers to rely on the voice of art, their artistic-character, and form a re-writing practice to clear up any inconsistencies in their work. Parrott's further urges literary-art stakeholders to desist from criminalizing the inexperience of novice authors.


The key aspect of the APATSARC strategy addressed in the selected essay is 'purpose.’ The idea of Parrott's essay is to have an interactive discussion with novice writers, as well as lead authors to create a concession of what can be done to promote quality in the sector. Starting to build the purpose of the essay, Parrott indicates that “writing is a talent set in stone” (Parrott, 2017. p. 71), but the 'setting of the tone' is dependent on one's effort and commitment towards becoming a guru. While there is a general notion that good writers are born, the purpose of Parrott's essay makes a reader have a different view in that good writers are born, but there are those few who are trained, persist, and strive towards learning different styles of literature communication.

Addressing the existence of literary gaps, the author believes the main contributing factor is the "growing pluralism of American society as immigration increased with the Industrial Revolution” (Parrott, 2017. p. 71). Pluralism depicts a mixture of cultures and approaches towards expressing an idea through writing. The existence of immigration, therefore, makes people portray varying interpretations of literary works. Besides, cultural differences also play a part in how writers understand their audiences, yielding a gap in inert, and acquired writing proficiencies.

Despite the presence of literary differences between cultures and individuals, Parrot does not give up on the people who are learning to communicate through writing. He poses a scenario in the literary sector's overall change that "authors are not just authors; they are also editors and publishers, broadening the individual’s daily interaction with language” (Parrott, 2017. p. 72). This depiction empowers those striving to enhance their writing skills because they can learn how to...


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