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Marketing Report on Company-Apple Incorporation

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English (U.S.)
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1. Introduction 5 marks

 2. Research and discuss the company and the products and services it offers to customers. Provide a picture of the company and its products or services. 20 marks

 3. From your research, apply a maximum of two (2) of the marketing concepts from Session 1 to Session 7 to the marketing activities of the company and its products or services. 60 marks 

4. Conclusion 5 marks 

5. Structure, grammar, language and referencing. 10 marks 

Total 100 marks


For part 3 of the report, select a maximum of two (2) topics from the following list: Session Marketing Fundamental

 Topics 1 Evolution 2 Marketing Concept 3 Consumer Buyer Behaviour 4 Product 5 Personal Selling 6 Business to Business Behaviour 7 Key Account Management 8 Promotion


2. The report should have an introduction, applications to the selection company and its products or services, conclusion, references and appendices, as appropriate. 3. Please include FULL name and Student ID number as in the register on the report. 4. The report must be type-written with words in 1.5 line spacing, font-size 12, Times New Roman. This report must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. 5. The report should not exceed 800 words (excluding cover page, content page references and appendices). State the word count at the end of the report.

You are required to provide proper referencing in your assignment. Search internet sources such as Wikipedia on the Harvard style of referencing. Internet sources also require referencing.



Marketing Report on Company: Apple Incorporation

Student’s Name

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Professor’s Name


Marketing Report on Company: Apple Incorporation

A Market report is important to an organization’s success; it creates and analyzes the performance of certain marketing efforts or campaigns. Companies use marketing reports to effectively communicate the marketing strategy, like promotional strategies and their expected outcomes. Apple incorporation makes use of market reports to analyze its promotional mix and product mix, pricing strategy, and distribution strategy in its marketing and production decisions. The paper, therefore, discusses how Apple Inc. uses market reports in their promotion mix and product in market mix.

Company Profile


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