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Checkpoint Assignment: COM 375- Apple Incorporation's Public Relations Efforts Towards Marketing Its Newly Launched iPhone SE (2020

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Checkpoint Assignment: COM 375- Apple Incorporation's Public Relations Efforts Towards Marketing Its Newly Launched iPhone SE (2020


Checkpoint Assignment: COM 375- Apple Incorporation's Public Relations Efforts Towards Marketing Its Newly Launched iPhone SE (2020

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Checkpoint Assignment: COM 375


For this "Checkpoint assignment," I have selected Apple Incorporation's public relations efforts towards marketing its newly launched iPhone SE (2020). The phone has lots of futuristic features, priced around $550 in the United States. However, this is Apple's flagship product because other iPhones, such as iPhone X and 11 Pro, are more advanced and as expensive as three times. The iPhone SE (2020) is the latest Apple release, and they have focused a lot of public relation in creating products awareness and appealing to the target market segment (William, 2017).

What elements of the campaign worked well?

The campaign has been a great success over the first and the second quarter of the year. When the product was launched on Friday, April 17, 2020, at 1 pm, it was evident that the company was very organized to engage buyers through public relations. One such marketing ploy, the use of live videos, proved that the unboxing as a good spectacle for buyers. The live unboxing video, published on YouTube by Apple Inc, shows a very exciting target market wishing to have a device and experience the new iPhone SE (2020).

The second campaign element that works is how well the launching addressed buyers' needs. The technology market is highly robust, while people seek flagship products, but they still want cost-effective devices that can meet daily needs. Therefore, the campaign succeeded in meeting people's needs by announcing a retail price that many middles- and low-income earners can afford. Other than that, iPhone SE (2020) is the most low-budget phone released by Apple for the last two years.

However, there is one aspect of the campaign which did not work. During the launch, the team advertising did not have much to share with the audience because, unlike other flagship products, the iPhone SE (2020) does not have many features that are highly sought for by modern-day clientele. For example, the phone has only 3GB or RAM with 12 MP of the main camera, and 7 MP of front camera. These features are nowhere close to matching those of other flagship products of the same price from other companies such as Samsung or Xiaomi, hence making the campaign less impactful of the audiences.



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