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Discussion Questions; Organic Farming and Health Agriculture

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Food, Culture, & Communication

Exam 2, Spring 2020 

THIS EXAM HAS SEVEN (7) QUESTIONS (75 points in total). We will use Bloom’s “Levels” (Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning) as a model for the question item and response.  


1.      [20 points] WORD BANK. [Levels: Knowledge; Comprehension]. Build a word bank of what you know as foundational terms for our study of food and communication. Define each in your own words. Your list should include at least 20 “bedrock” terms/theories. Be sure to explain (show

comprehension) if any of your identified terms are “contested” (i.e., if some people don’t agree with what the term means—or what it should mean.). NOTE: Once you have defined the term in your Word Bank, you do not need to do so again in the following questions. 


2.      [10 points] CHAPTER 13. [Level: Comprehension]. In Food and Hunger, the author argues: “When it comes to hunger, your class matters, your race matters, your gender matters, your age matters, and your geographic location matters.” How is this a true statement? Explain one or more of these social groups that “matter” when it comes to hunger. How are they affected? (Hint: Do not merely summarize the state of hunger. Explain the concept. Define any new terms. Provide evidence, not opinion, for your claims.) 






Discussion Questions: Organic Farming and Health Agriculture

Question 2

It is true that social groups that “matter” influence hunger; for instance, class determines the disparities in access to food. Social and economic aspects that are among the predominant class matters that determine the existence of hunger. Social class differences have a defined pattern; for example, affluent communities have financial strength; hence they can afford food; however, low-income communities have monetary constraints that limit their access to nourishment resources. People struggling with starvation are often less privileged as they live within environments that have limited food outlets such as groceries and eateries. Unlike prosperous communities, food-insecure households have insufficient monetary strength; thus, they are uncertain of having, or are incapable of acquiring enough food. High food expenditures result in low-income families depending on assistance programs that provide them with aid, reducing the effects of hunger.

Question 3

The energy balance model assumes that obesity results from excessive consumption of calories relative...


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