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Summary reflection: Review of Articles, Movies and Books

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Summary reflection: Review of Articles, Movies and Books1.     Miss Representation. November 14, 2018

2. Leap into Darkness: November 8, 2018

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Summary reflection: Review of Articles, Movies and Books

1.     Miss Representation. November 14, 2018

Miss Representation is a movie that focusses on the perception of women in society by looking at the challenging issues which are imminent to young girls. The theme of the documentary is to impact development positively and to empower people who have different approaches towards sexuality. The role of social media appears as a hindrance that regards women based on the childhood, excellence, and sexuality, rather than the qualities of contributing towards economic and social development of the nation. A reflection of themes such as women, sexuality, and social challenges resonates well with what I have experiences in my line of work and schooling. I feel that the movie, Miss Representation, offers a timely intervention towards dismissing perception of sexuality and sexual orientation by terming it inappropriate.

Our American culture is diverse, but the most unfortunate aspect is that women have not been accorded a chance to make mistakes, just like their male counterpart, and be perceived as equally capable human being. Women are considered admirable in taking up public offices only when they are attractive and flawless, which to me, is an unfair parameter. This perceived "inability" of women continues to haunt us in political arenas and our quest for education. In my society, most of the women, aspects such as their right for religion, education, voting rights among others have been viewed and addressed positively; however, I feel that there exist several gaps that continue to demean the position of women in the society. For example, when I was watching the documentary, Miss Representation, I noted a quote by Alice Walker that “the most widely recognized way individuals surrender their capacity is by supposing they don't have any." This fact explains why women in my society have forgone political positions, which in turn, are taken by men who continue to legislate negatively affecting the future generation of women.

2. Leap into Darkness: November 8, 2018

The book “Leap into Darkness” has strong a theme on human oppression due to political ideology diversity between communities during the Nazi's Regime. During the period, humanity was exposed to inhumane treatment such as evacuating some tribes and religion from the regions which were considered strategic for development and individual leaders' enrichment. After spending a considerable amount of time reading the book, I discovered several instances which offer a true reflection of the modern days' inhumanity against minorities and religious beliefs. For example, from the story, I observed the efforts of Nazis in driving the Jewish out of Germany. The oppressor purposefully targeted to eliminate the Jews from the economy purporting that Jewish merchants, specialists, legal counselors, and specialists were a menace in hindering locals to thrive through the opportunities offered by Germany economy.

The critical implication arising from the evacuation of Jews led to increased hatred. Severally, I have observed in my community increased traction between the government and the immigrants which have shattered some of the opportunities which may arise from establishing a diverse society. From the book, I also observed several incidences of harsh treatment which lead to loss of life. During the Nazis, era, recognition was only through valid identification was not easy to come by due to ruthless officials. People were ferried to war, and only a small fraction would return. Bretholz stated that "Out of a thousand individuals on his train to Auschwitz, just five endured the battle." This history does not settle very far from the challenges that American immigrants had to face in the hands of the immigration officers in the United States a couple of years ago. It was not possible to a foreigner to attain citizenship in America even with years of...


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Summary reflection: Review of Articles, Movies and Books

Summary reflection: Review of Articles, Movies and Books 
8 pages |2200 words |Solution Available NOW| BUSINESS, MKT, ECON|