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Part 1-Poster Essay

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Part 1-Poster Essay






Part 1-Poster Essay

During the time of World War II (WWII), countries were entangled in altercation regarding the control of natural resources, finances, military, as well as other aspects that could make countries more sovereign. These tractions were primarily between two principal belligerents, which were the “Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China” (Dudley 275). To express their feelings, attitudes, aims, as well as opinions, different countries used posters as a way of communicating and persuading its supporters and worries to maintain a particular course of action.

The first poster was written by the Nazi to show 'Victory or Bolshevism.' During WWII, Japan was among the Axis Powers fighting against France and her allies. The poster communicates about the history and the victory of what the Nazis had managed to accomplish. According to Dudley, during the Nazis' time of war, people can learn that every move made by the Axis was highly premeditated. The image portrays how much Germany wanted to win the war; that is why one side of the poster shows a soldier who had killed several people but a family on the other side celebrating. This indicates their attitudes were profoundly hopeful they would win the war.

Japan developed the second poster. The representation shows a solder with a sharp sword slicing through United States leadership. One can learn the Japanese plan on how the United States should be ruled was rejected. This created a strong contention between the classical and the communist model of governing people at the onset and the end of WWII. The poster shows an attitude of the changed regime, but we learn that for these changes to be effected, the Japanese believed that lives had to be sacrificed.

The third poster was developed by the United States, showing a trap for the Axis powers. The poster advertises the Retro Decorative Posters Vintage Kraft Poster Wall Canvas that depicts a death trap for...


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