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Congo Research Paper

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Joint Health Academy Research  Paper

English/Gov’t & Econ/Physiology

Research Question: What are the correlations between  a developing country’s ( Insert your country name here)  political and socio-economic profile and its use of resources to address the causes of mortality and  general well being of it population.


Action:  What steps could be taken to optimize the allocation of resources to better your country’s mortality rate and general well being of its population.  Explain in detail.

What to do:

         Complete your country profile (Harmon)

       10 source cards (Hohl)

         Research diseases/cause of mortality/correlation (Brothwell)

       10 source cards (Hohl)

       Reference Page (Hohl/Harmon/Brothwell)

       Organize the outline based on # a-e (Harmon/Hohl)

       Rough Draft/Peer Editing (Hohl/Brothwell) Due date: 5/11

       Final submission 5/18 to all core HA teachers

       Presentations due TBD ( Newscast)


Basic Requirements:

      APA Format- See Purdue Owl Website https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/

      Minimum of 8-10 sources = 20-30 sources cards (sorted by topic)

Sources should be reputable and come from a variety of sources ( websites, journals, articles, videos, interviews, etc.)- No Wikipedia. Avoid personal blogs- See notes for additional help in evaluating sources or go to: http://tinyurl.com/zw2hzjb


Congo Research Paper




1.0 Introduction

Over the past decade, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has been characterized by increased levels of conflicts resulting in devastating implications on the country’s civilian population. According to IRC (2007), DR Congo has witnessed food shortages, mass displacement and above all the collapse of health systems leading to significant elevations of mortality rate. It is estimated that close to 70% of the Congolese population does not have access to medical care (WHO, 2012). Despite the signing of the peace accord in 2002, the country has continued to be faced by smaller conflicts that have subsequently stretched the available inadequate health resources. This has resulted in the health system to suffer due to the lack of adequate investment complemented by the deliberate attacks of aggressive factions on health facilities.  Therefore, the long-running war has ensured that the country does not have proper health care to cater to the increased health needs hence increasing the mortality rate. There is the need for the DR Congo government to optimize the allocation of the national resources so that to improve the mortality rate and enhance the general well being of its population.

2.0 Allocation of resources

            According to IRC (2007), most of the deaths in DR Congo are attributed to preventable diseases this is despite the security concerns as only 0.4 percent of all deaths are caused by violence.  The majority of deaths are caused by malnutrition and neonatal- and pregnancy-related conditions, infectious diseases and so on. To improve the mortality rate in DR Congo, the government will have to optimize its resource allocation policies in the medical system. A lot has been written regarding DR Congo government resource allocation issues in the health sector with the aim of improving the mortality rate. However, there is so little discussion involving the required steps that can be followed to aid in the process of optimizing the allocation of resources. Daniels (2016) asserts that to improve the healthcare systems then it is essential the most of investments is directed towards public health so that to reduce population health risks. Therefore, the DR Congo government could use pre-defined resource allocation strategies to improve the country’s health systems.

                                            i.            Resource capacity planning

            The DR Congo government has to ensure that the resources available for use meet both the current and future health sector requirements cost-effectively. Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Health will have to identify the most vulnerable segments of the population while coming up with...


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Joint Health Academy Research  PaperEnglish/Gov’t & Econ/Physiology Research Question: What are the correlations between  a developing country’s ( Insert your country name here)  political and socio-economic profile and its use of resources to address the causes of mortality and  general well being of it population. Action:  What steps could be taken to...
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