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Analyze An Historical Issue from The Second Half of U.S. History (Post-1877-2000). You Will Need to Compare At Least Two Opposing Perspectives on That Issue

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History Common Assignment

Analyzing an Historical Debate

For this assignment, you will analyze an historical issue from the second half of U.S. History (post-1877-2000). You will need to compare at least two opposing perspectives on that issue.

Part I. Introduction

1.      Describe in general the issue that is debated:

For example, you may analyze the importance of this issue important to the culture, economics, political system, or social structure at the time.


Part II.  Historical Debate     

2.      What is the main argument in each perspective? On what points do they agree or disagree?

3.      Analyze the evidence that is provided to support each thesis:  What types of evidence are used? Does the evidence support the thesis?


Part III.  Conclusion

4.      How did the reading(s) change the way in which you understood the subject?

5.      How are the issues presented in the reading(s) still relevant to you today?  Please explain how your personal background and life experiences might influence your perspective on this topic?

6.      Imagine that you have been asked to tackle a current national or global issue. How would you use the readings to help you do so?



The paper must be a minimum of 500 words. Typed, double-spaced, using 12 point font. The assignment will be uploaded as a file on Blackboard.


Unless otherwise stated by your professor, please cite sources using MLA format or Chicago Manual of Style or Kate Turabian's: A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertation citation style manual formatting. If you use web-based articles or ebooks, you should provide the full web address (not just the home page or search engine page that you used to find it).



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Professor’s Name


Analyze An Historical Issue from The Second Half of U.S. History (Post-1877-2000). You Will Need to Compare At Least Two Opposing Perspectives on That Issue: Did Civil Rights Movement Bring a Real Change?


The civil rights movement began in the 1940s, although there was earlier unity of purpose of some black people calling for the respect of their rights. The civil rights movement was an organized effort by the African Americans to end racial discrimination and get equal rights as their white counterparts. The movement had different fronts and affiliations with the same purpose; initially and during the better part of the civil rights movement, nonviolence was the most means used to articulate their grievances. Civil rights movement achievements remain debatable, with some people arguing that the civil rights movement brought about legislation on racism and segregation, brought about economic empowerment of the black, and reduced police brutality. People of the contrary opinion believe that the civil rights movement did not make a lot of changes in American society. The civil rights movement can be blamed on poverty and economic disparity; despite the laws that were passed, there is still discrimination in housing and business (Jones-Eversley et al., 315). The civil rights movement did have mixed repercussions; legislation was passed by today the African Americans have the highest poverty index and victims of racism.

Civil rights movement, despite the challenges that its members went through, resilience has had positive results. One of the greatest breakthroughs of the civil rights movement is the legislation relating to the civil rights movement that led to greater economic and social mobility for African Americans across the country. Racial segregation was banned and provided greater access to resources for religious minorities, African Americans, low-income families, and women (Andrews, 89). It is the civil rights act of 1968 signed by President...


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