Use the original stories but not outside critical sources, write no more than 5-7 paragraphs, and give yourself a maximum of 90 minutes (an hour and a half) in which to write. This midterm is due any time between Thursday morning, October 29, and Sunday night, November 1. It should be submitted on canvas as a file. No late exams will be accepted. In a well-organized essay of comparison of at least five paragraphs, answer ONE of the following questions: 1.In a just universe, the punishment always fits the crime. Is this true of the world we live in? Examine three of the works we have read this semester to support your response. (Suggested: Genesis: “Adam and Eve,” Genesis: “Cain and Abel,” The Epic of Gilgamesh, “Apollo and Daphne,” “The Story of Lycaeon,” Oedipus Rex, The Inferno. You can also use a work you read on your own for Paper #1) Are we the victims of fate or is our destiny determined by our own choices and actions? Explain how three of the works we have read this semester answer this question. (Suggested: Genesis, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Oedipus the King, “Apollo and Daphne,” The Inferno. You can use any other work covered in class as well as any work you have read for Paper #1) Has humankind increasingly been alienated from the natural world? Explain your response using three works we have read this semester. (Suggested: Genesis, The Epic of Gilgamesh, “The Four Ages,” The Inferno) Previous