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Xbox Design Thinking Proposal

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Design Thinking is a fairly new concept having been pre-

dominantly used by designers who developed specific principles methods and tools to direct their ge

neral design work. However, the concept is now widely used in business as a

key strategic tool. You are in a unique position of exploring this growing approach.

This assessment requires you to critically review the application of one of the three DT Approaches

by an organization of your choice. Such that it can be used as an exemplar to demonstrate the

innovative opportunities that DT provides for businesses to address a variety of challenges and



Using an organization of your choice the 1000-word document should:

1.       Provide rationale for your choice of organization

2.       Identify and critically review the potential use of one of the following DT Approaches by your


 3I Model

 Liedtka 4 Question Model

 Service Design Thinking Model


3. Outline and critique the key DT principles that are demonstrated

by the organization which are relevant to your selected approach. approach.

4.Outline the potential business challenges faced by the organization which can be addressed/solve

d by the DT approach you selected.


Using size 12-point font with 1.5-line spacing format.

Must be fully and accurately referenced or they will not be graded. Students should aim for a 10 per cen

t to 15 per cent Turnitin similarity index with direct quotes properly referenced with quotation marks, so

urce and page number 


1. Abstract (100 words)

2. Introduction (Rationale for selecting the organization) (120 words)

3. Potential of use (ANY ONE DT approaches). (220 Words)

4. Outlining and critiquing the key DT principles. (300 Words)

5. Challenges that can soled using the selected DT Approach (220)

6. Conclusion (100 words)



by (Name)


The Name of the Class (Course)

Professor (Tutor)

The Name of the School (University)

The City and State where it is located

The Date


This case study assesses how Xbox team can adopt design thinking to solve human problems, strengthening end-user experience through the creation of gadgets that are technologically feasible and viable. Implementation of the 3I Model design thinking methodology will enable Xbox division to tackle possible challenges of creativity issues, failure to satisfy gamers' needs, and limited product knowledge through principles such as test, prototype, ideate, define, and empathize. The adoption of the 3I Model will let designers at Microsoft focus on the problem, develop ideological solutions, and provide consumers with a suitable final product. Design-driven culture allows the Xbox team to prioritize end-user needs through delivering real and measurable solutions that solve potential challenges.




Xbox Design Thinking Proposal


Microsoft’s Xbox design thinking utilizes strategy, process, and tools to solve human problems, prioritizing user experience through the creation of gaming consoles that are technologically feasible and viable. Xbox division builds software that targets to satisfy tens of millions of gaming enthusiasts; however, the constant change in consumer needs and expectations, makes it a difficult task. Xbox design team finds it challenging to please everyone; for this reason, it recognizes that design thinking will let it make more users happier with its gaming consoles experience than ever before. Adoption of the 3I Model design thinking approach will ensure that Xbox team tackles possible challenges such as creativity issues, failure to meet end-user needs, and limited product knowledge through its various principles, for example, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

Potential of Use of the 3I Model

In 2001, IDEO developed the 3I Model to improve organizational innovation. According to the 3I Model, design thinking entails a series of notable moments during the development of a project (Marketing Department). The 3I design thinking principle would be suitable for Xbox because of its key elements, for example, inspiration, ideation, and implementation.


            Inspiration will represent the starting point of the 3I Model despite the framework having a non-linear path across its design phase. Marketing Department posits that for an enterprise to apply this model, it has to identify and commence from the problem through writing a brief that will outline its objectives, possible limitations, initial set-up processes, and how to compare and document progress. Therefore, under the inspiration phase Xbox division will primarily collect project insights.



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