This research paper should be focused on women and gender in Africa historically. I have this information: - This research paper should focus on the impact of Jomo Kenyatta’s Facing Mount Kenya on the development of anthropology as a discipline, and his connection (both real and imagined) with Mau Mau, we erase the multitude of women involved in Mau Mau as scouts, messengers, and operatives (many of whom faced torture and sexual assault while detained). Since the 1980s, historians have worked diligently to excavate the full spectrum of gendered contributions to liberation struggles. One early contribution worth noting is the life history of Wambui Otieno, entitled Mau Mau’s Daughter (full citation found in the Explore Further section of this module). In this text, Otieno shares her story as a Kikuyu women of high birth and important lineage, detailing how she came to be involved in Mau Mau, her activities, and eventual detainment. It is not an easy story to read, but it is an important one. Similarly, one of the films suggested for students to view—one which directly challenges the male nationalist historiography—is Flame. Flame explores the armed involvement of two young women who are friends but eventually fall out during their activities as part of the Zimbabwe liberation struggle. The film not only challenges common, misconstrued narratives of women’s contributions to armed struggles, but also calls into account the way post-independence states excluded women’s contributions from their public histories (e.g. through parades and museums). Note the film was actually banned in Zimbabwe for some time after its release. Source 3:èle-rabesahala Source 4: Source 5: Source 6: