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Why I am applying to Behavioral studies

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Applied behavior analysis is the practice of applying the science of behavior in real-world contexts. Practitioners must understand and apply the scientific method and principles of behavior science and then communicate results in a way which can be understood by a diverse group of clients and significant others. This personal statement is an assessment of your ability to communicate effectively at a level of writing expected of a graduate student. The statement must demonstrate your ability to answer the following prompts using academic language. There is no word count requirement, however the finished product must fully inform the reader of why you chose this program and why you feel you would be a quality candidate. The statement must follow APA guidelines in terms of formatting the paper for spacing, margins, and grammar


Please answer the following:

 1. Who are you? Introduce yourself. This includes your background experience with ABA, if any, and your history in terms of academic and professional work.

 2. Why are you pursuing a degree that focuses on Applied Behavior Analysis? The field can be very broad in scope. What do you plan to achieve within 5 years after you complete your degree? What are your long-term goals? What are your current plans for steps which will help you achieve your goals? 

3. What do you want to achieve while enrolled?

 4. Which skills and experiences do you possess which will make you successful in the program?

 5. Working in the field of ABA often requires practitioners to work with diverse populations which are often vulnerable. What is your stance on the role the field of Ethics has in the application of behavior science?



Why I am applying to Behavioral studies

I am an enthusiastic person with the zeal to pursue my passion for behavioral studies. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and I am interested in behavior analysis since I am enthusiastic about pursuing a master’s degree in Psychology with an emphasis on behavioral sciences. I have no relevant work experience since I had to deal with personal issues amid the Covid-19. The study of behavior analysis will allow me to get deep into a career that can add my skills endowment and help me serve my community. My service to the community has been intrinsic and makes me realize a sense of self-rewarding, and my capacity as RBT is self-actualization. The study of behavior analysis will fill my urge to service people.

My quest and passion for pursuing a master’s degree in Psychology have been inspired by the growing need to understand ad help in combating the exponentially growing cases of behavioral disorders. Within a span not exceeding fives years upon completion of my program, I anticipate having liaised with medical practitioners and made positive strides in addressing some conditions like autism. My goals are to be able to describe a long-range of techniques that can be used in...


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