Now think about it: our daily, Western diet usually consists of foods with high amounts of saturated fats, sodium (salt), and added sugars. This diet is killing us faster or causing conditions that will lead to chronic diseases (heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, etc.) We work several hours per day, in addition to going to school. And when we arrive home, we have chores to do: laundry, cleaning the house, helping our kids with their homework, etc. Who has time to prepare healthy, colorful meals from scratch? Ok...I get it. I understand and guilty too of eating the average American Western diet. So...if we are going to buy dinner on our way home (pizza, hamburgers, tacos, etc.) or stop at a fast food restaurant to eat, what can we add, avoid, eat less, or substitute in the fast food meals to make them healthy, with less or no saturated fats, less or no added sugars, less sodium, and add color to them? We are supposed to "eat a rainbow of foods" everyday, right? To get full credit for your Discussion Question 1: you must post your own response to this discussion and comment on at least ONE (1) classmate's response. Your comment to this discussion and your response to a classmate's posting MUST BE AT LEAST 100 words EACH and posted on different days EACH. Please click here to review the rubrics that will used to grant your points for each discussion question done in the course.