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Week 3 Assignment; Differences Between Annonated Bibliography and Abstract

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Week 3 Assignment

1.      How does an annotated bibliography differ from an abstract?

2.      What purpose does annotated bibliography serve to a researcher?



Discussion Post: Week 3 Assignment

Learning how to write annotated bibliographies has been very interesting for me. I understand the need of having all materials well-prepared before starting any research work. I find the following two questions partucularly important for me and may help other learners.

1.      How does an annotated bibliography differ from an abstract?

I have learned that although annotated bibliography and abstract are summaries, they are different in many ways. The significant distinction between the two is the content contained in them. An abstract is like a blurb on the back of a book, and its central role is to inform the reader about the information contained in the text so that they can decide whether the particular text is worth reading or not. It entails what a reader pulls up when doing research, and a good abstract must mention the topic in consideration (Benbouzid, 2019). On the flip side, annotated bibliography purpose to confer the text's main ideas and how such ideas can be applied to the topic, question, or topic being discussed by the work it is referenced. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources, with each source followed by a short description of the text and why it is useful

2.      What purpose does annotated bibliography serve to a researcher?

Annotated bibliography serves several purposes in research. First, annotated bibliography helps the researcher evaluate the authority of and the credibility of sources they want to use to use the highest quality research in their research work. Annotated bibliography evaluates whether the source in consideration is updated and whether the text's author has authority in the topic they are writing about it. Before you use the available resource, you should take time to select them based on their credibility on your topic. Not until a writer is genuinely knowledgeable about the topic should they establish their thesis and a perspective on the topic about which to write. Hence, writing an annotated bibliography equips students with adequate knowledge about a topic before writing about it. It ensures that students write...


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