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Wave Of Feminism


For this paper, find an interaction online in which gender is being done. It can be a social media comments section, a response to a post, a video interaction, Reddit interaction, etc. In this paper, analyze the interaction using at least one wave of feminism (or one concept from one wave of feminism) and one gendered institution. This paper should have five (5) parts:   1.      Introduction: provide an attention getter and preview for the rest of the paper. Explain what you are going to do in the paper and what theories and/or concepts you are going to use to unpack the gender interaction you are going to introduce. 2.      Online interaction: provide a full transcript of the online interaction here and explain the context of the online interaction. On what website did you find this interaction? If it is a video, provides a transcript of the video. 3.      Wave of feminism: use at least one wave of feminism to explain what is happening in the online interaction. First, lay out what concept you are using and explain the background of the wave of feminism. Then, use the concept to explain what is happening in the interaction. For example, if you are using the concept of “calling out people in positions of power” from the fourth wave of feminism, explain the background of Fourth Wave feminism and the context of society calling out people in positions of power. Then, use that concept to explain what is happening in the online interaction you are analyzing. 4.      Gendered institution: use at least one gendered institution to explain what is happening in the online interaction you are analyzing. First, explain the gendered institution you are using and unpack the background. Then, apply it to the online interaction. For example, if you are using “gendered education,” you would maybe first talk about the underlying values taught by hidden curriculum and then using that to explain what is going on in the online interaction. 5.      Conclusion: finally, summarize your application of both the wave of feminism and the gendered institution you chose to the online interaction and make a closing argument about gender and communication.   Complete each section of this paper thoughtfully and thoroughly while addressing each and every prompt on this sheet.  Please use APA formatting and include a title page with an interesting paper title. Cite all sources.
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