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Video Presentation: Impacts of Google on young Black Women

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Video Presentation Proposal

Youell, WeVideo Introduction.docx Download Youell, WeVideo Introduction.docx

  • Required: An instructor-approved proposal that contributes to a digital presentation that introduces an outside audience to your topic and condenses your Final Research Essay’s argument to a brief, visually stimulating 4-5 minute video.
    • A 1-3 sentence paraphrased summary of what you will be exploring and arguing in your video presentation followed by…
    • An outline that details in 30 second intervals what you intend to talk about and show.
      • You do not need to have each and every line scripted out, but you should at least include your main talking points (i.e. argumentative topic sentences).
    • Your outline does not need to fully match your final presentation. Simply, you must trace how you intend to include the requirements below into your video.

SECOND ASSIGNMENT (just type instead of voiceover)

Content Requirements

  • Required: A brief introduction, no more than 60 seconds, that introduces your topic and thesis.
  • Required: Integrate visual content from at least three digital primary sources during your discussion: this could range from imagery, screenshots of text, to video.
    • Required: At least 1 ½ minutes must show something other than a “talking head”
      • Please note: While you may utilize a “talking head” format, I do not want a simple long take of you talking.
    • Optional: Analyzing an aspect of an image through the “Ken Burns Effect” (Links to an external site.)
  • Required: At least one close-reading of a primary source artifact
    • You must provide visual evidence, see above, that correlates with your voiceover commentary.
  • Required: Two moments of close-reading a secondary source
    • While not required for your Final Research Essay’s introduction, please integrate at least one critic into the introduction of your topic before moving to your claim.
    • When discussing your critics cut to text, for instance direct quotations, or images pertaining to the critic’s claim.
  • Required: Produce a Works Cited page using MLA citations in your credits sequence.



Student’s Name

Professor’s Name



Video Presentation: Impacts of Google on young Black Women

Among the internet platforms and social media in general, Google is among those with the highest black women biasness and negative stereotyping. Systemic racism has since victimized women by the continued persecution and oppression from white men. Google has painted an immoral picture of black women over the years. A few years ago, not exceeding five, Google had painted an immoral picture of black women over the years. With a search of the term “Black Girls” on the Google platform and the content that popped up was content that propagated sexual content without typing any connection to pornographic orientation. Black women have been presented as sex objects, stereotyped as failures, bared from airing their grievances, and perceived as inferiors to their white counterparts.

Black women are presented as sexual objects. Search on just a single type of the word "black girl" could bring headlines and suggestions portraying the black girl as a sexual object. It is a suggestion from google that it was high time that black girls be replaced with sexy, big boots, etc. There are very many races in the Pornographic industry, and the blacks do not form a significant percentage but have been generalized to present them as objects...


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