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Vacation Packages Data


SPSS I ASSIGNMENTASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES:This assignment is designed to give students an opportunity to:(I) Review basic SPSS functionalities by performing basic descriptive and inferential statistics.(II) Practice identifying variables and inferential statistical analyses neededto answer given questions.(III) Practice interpreting basic descriptive and inferential statistics.THE ASSIGNMENT:For this assignment you will be using SPSS to analyze a data set provided by theProfessor. You will need to run the appropriate statistical tests to answer thequestions provided below. Please type up your answers to the questions in a worddocument; you can be succinct, but you need to provide statistical evidence tosupport your answers. You will submit the word document and your completeSPSS output file to Canvas; expect point deduction if this requirement is not met.Please note that this is an individual assignment and should reflect your ownefforts to conduct analyses and interpret results.THE SITUATION:You just started working for a company that specializes in offering Europeanvacation packages to American consumers. The company is trying to develop newpromotional campaigns that are supposed to help increase sales for the vacationpackages to the UK. Currently, the company offers two different vacation packagestyles: all-inclusive packages or personalized packages that provide customerswith more flexibility in designing their own vacation. Your supervisor just finishedcollecting some data with a Qualtrics survey and hands you over the data set.Your task is to answer the questions you were given and come up with a finalrecommendation for the promotional campaign. The next section summarizes thesurvey questions, the scales respondents were given to answer each question,and the variable names corresponding to the SPSS data set.VARIABLES:1. Sights – How important is a well-structured itinerary that covers all majorsights in the shortest amount of time?o Slider scale ranging from “0 = Not at all important” to “10 = Extremelyimportant”2. Price - How important is the price factor of booking an all-inclusive vacation?o Slider scale ranging from “0 = Not at all important” to “10 = Extremelyimportant”3. Rel_All_Incl - How relaxed would you feel on an all-inclusive vacation?o Slider scale ranging from “0 = Not at all relaxed” to “10 = Extremely relaxed”4. Rel_Indiv - How relaxed would you feel on an individually planned vacation?o Slider scale ranging from “0 = Not at all relaxed” to “10 = Extremely relaxed”5. Fam_Fri - Having family friendly amenities is important to me.o Ranging on a scale from “1 = Not at all important,” “2 = Somewhat important,” to “3 = Very important”6. Flex_Itin - Having a flexible travel itinerary is important to me.o Ranging on a scale from “1 = Not at all important,” “2 = Somewhatimportant,” to “3 = Very important”7. Trip_Length_All_Incl – How many days would you go on an all-inclusive trip?o Slider scale ranging from 0-20 days8. Trip_Length_Indiv – How many days would you go on an individually plannedtrip?o Slider scale ranging from 0-20 day9. Prior_UK – Have you every vacationed in the UK before?o “1 = No”o “2 = Yes”10. Abroad – Have you every vacationed abroad (i.e. outside of the USA)?o “1 = No”o “2 = Yes”11. Int_Vaca – How many international vacations (i.e. outside of the USA) haveyou taken within the past 10 years?o “1 = 4 or less vacations”o “2 = 5 or more vacations”12. Gender – What is your gender?o “1 = Male”o “2 = Female”13. Age – What is your age?o “1 = 18 to 34”o “2 = 35 to 54”o “3 = 55 or above”14. Marital - What is your current marital status?o “1 = Single”o “2 = Partnership and Married”o “3 = Divorced”15. Income – What is your current household income?o “1 = Below $30,000”o “2 = $31,000 to $60,000”o “3 = Above $61,000”QUESTIONS:1) Is the relationship between the importance of having family friendly amenitiesand age significant? What can you conclude? Is the relationship between thenumber of international vacations in the past 10 years and age significant?What can you conclude? (3 points)2) Do respondents feel significantly more relaxed during an all-inclusive vacationor during an individually planned vacation? (3 points)3) Does gender or having vacationed in the UK have a significant relationshipwith importance of price factor of booking an all-inclusive vacation? Whichvariable (gender vs. having vacationed in the UK) has a significant relationshipwith importance of well-structured itinerary that covers all major sights in theshortest amount of time? What can you conclude? (3 points)4) Compare the measures of central tendency and dispersion statistics for triplength for all-inclusive and individual trip. Which trip is longer? (2 point)5) Do you have any concerns about the data set or the information given to youby your supervisor? (2 point)6) What is your recommendation? What key attributes and details should beincluded in the promotions to attract the most suitable customers for thedifferent vacation packages? Also think about which demographic variable seems to be most important here. (2 points)
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