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Your assessment
for this unit is in two parts, and both parts should be submitted using the
assignment tool in this section of the unit. The assessment brief is provided
here and in a downloadable pdf for your
The deadline for
the assessment is 19th May 2019 and
it must be submitted before 23:55 (UK Local time).
You are now ready
to prepare to write your assignment. This section has guidance on each of the
activities and assessment criteria (AC). You are required to develop an
electronic professional portfolio which includes the following sections that
respond to the following two tasks:
Product a written
response in which you:
Identify examples of metrics used to
inform and measure L&D
For this activity, we would suggest
that you use the following questions on which to base
Undertake research in an area of L&D and write a business report
for stakeholders. Within the report you should:
Provide a short
rationale for area investigated
Explain how you collected and analysed the data,
justifying the approach adopted
Draw conclusions
and make recommendations based on findings Summarise the limitations of your
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The Name of the Class (Course)
Professor (Tutor)
The Name of the School (University)
The City and State
The Date
Using Information, Metrics, and Development Business
Cases for Learning and Development
1.0 Introduction
& Development (L&D) has evolved; currently, it requires that
professionals align their business training with financial goals. Previously,
it was an ignored area that was solely responsible for operation rates on
individuals it trained to fulfill the competence and value of organizational
demands. Progressively L&D has gained popularity in the business world,
becoming a significant agent of change as it measures productivity in outcomes
or outputs. It relies on various metrics such as knowledge attainment to quantify
the usefulness the kind and resolve of learning.
Examples of Metrics Used to Inform and Measure L&D
a. Qualitative Metrics
Conduct Alteration
Team conduct alteration focuses on the post-learning
period to establish whether a workforce behaves reasonably and efficiently.
Skills Acquisition
attainment of expertise requires the collection of data on the pre-exposure and
post-exposure L&D personnel abilities to determine the improvement in the levels
of skills and know-how.
Personal Interactive Transformation
provides experts with a platform to enhance their social relation skills, and
so, this tool measures the changes in the individual mannerism to the business
culture and objectives.
b. Quantitative Metrics
Workplace application is a measure that
identifies the signs that an apprentice uses the newly acquire technical
understanding at a workplace to improve on productivity and objective delivery.
c. Output Metrics
Achieving set targets is a goal of
all enterprises. As a result, this instrument registers the output levels of an
L&D staff and measures the same period in the post-learning period to
establish the impact of skills acquisition.
1.2 Primary and Secondary L&D
Data Sources
Primary Sources
sources represent the facts of specific people, objects, occurrences, and so
on. The sources enable a company to identify the learning and development needs
by getting to analyze the actual organizational events. Examples of primary
L&D data sources entail questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus
groups, and online documents (Serrat, 2017). The information from these areas is
authentic and reliable since it offers the actual details of an incidence as they
are not analyzed or summarized.
Secondary Sources
Secondary sources deduce, examine
and describe the available facts on people, objects, occurrences, and so on. Onesti,
Angiola, and Bianchi (2016) posits that some of the L&D secondary sources
of data include books, documentaries, personal views and literature reviews. Secondary
resources are less valid since they do not provide the correct narration of the
original event as they rely on the perception of another person; consequently,
failing to let the researchers access the novel flow of proceedings.
1.3 Conclusion
relies on various metrics such as knowledge attainment, the fulfillment of
objectives, change in both individual and workforce behaviors, workplace
implementation and acquisition of skills to quantify the usefulness the kind
and resolve of learning. Progressively L&D department has
become popular in the corporate as it identifies the learning and development
needs in an organization through the support of both secondary and primary
sources of data.
2 – Project Team
of Social and Collaborative Training on the Performance of Ebanila Enterprises
2.0 Introduction
At Ebanila Enterprises, the business faces difficulties in aligning industrial training...