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US Presidency


Analyze any US Presidency and its legacy. What are the politics surrounding the President? What impact did they have on government and legislation?  3-4 pages in length/ double-spaced (not including references)  Times New Roman  12 Font  1 inch margins  MLA/ Chicago format/ Reference list  Structure  intro body paragraphs  conclusion Must include a thesis/ argument Must include evidence and examples  Quotes- limit to two quotes or references per page and max 3 lines long Case studies Statistics As evidence reference the textbook (Ch. 12), lectures, articles, discussion notes  At least two outside academic references Must directly address the prompt/ all parts of the prompt  Utilize and define key terms The ones you find relevant to your argument  I’m not looking for a specific answer, more so your interpretation and analysis of the material and chosen president  ***Argument driven/ addressing the prompt/ & in your own words  Topics for Discussion:  Campaign, Campaign strategy, Opponent, VP, Congress during presidency, significant world events, significant legislation, wars, culture, legacy, political party, national politics, national issues, political platform, etc.
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