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U.S History 2 Midterm Questions; Civil

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The American Promise 

This week you'll complete the midterm exam. I encourage you to research the answers to these questions using your textbook, the assignments you've submitted in class, and reliable sources from the internet. 

Assignment: Answer the following two questions with responses of 400 words each (800 words total). Use specific historical information and terms in your argument. Back your claims with evidence. 

Question #1: How was the Civil War a result of the social and political failings of the Founding Generation? You should consider the Revolution and the framing of the Constitution in your response.

Question #2: How could the Civil War be considered a second American Revolution? Consider political and social factors.

How these are graded:

A) The strength of Argument (use of historical evidence, cohesive thesis and ideas)= 10 pts

B) Grammar, mechanics, length requirement, citation of sources, works cited page = 5 pts


U.S History 2 Midterm Questions


Institutional affiliation


Question 1:  How was the Civil War a result of the social and political failings of the Founding Generation? 

Political failings   

Slavery was among the political issues that led to the Civil War. Majority of the states in the North called for the abolition of slavery; however, the states in the South objected considering their economy heavily on slave trade (Karamanski, 2018). The South wanted to protect their rights of practicing slavery considering they provided cheap labor in cotton plantations that acted as the most significant export from the South. 

            The framing of the constitution also led to the Civil War. Through the recognition and institutionalization of slavery, it was inevitable to escape the war. Besides, the Founding Generation by establishing Electoral College exposed the North and the South to sectional strife. According to Prorok (2016), the insulation of the presidency from the people due to concerns over popular pressure from the executive played a significant role in the coming of the Civil War.

The other political...


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