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US Healthcare


Thread must be 300–500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each thread and reply must cite at least 2 current peer-reviewed sources (published in past 5 yrs.), the textbook, include at least 1 biblical integration, and follow current APA format. Discussion Board Forum 6 If the US government (i.e., the taxpayer) contributes financial and scientific assistance to a pharmaceutical firm in its research and development of a prescription drug, do you believe the US government should be able to require that the price of any resulting drug must be affordable? Include a Christian worldview or a Biblical integration where you explain how Scripture is integrated into the assignment. Include at least 2 current (published in past 5 yrs.). peer-reviewed journal articles as your references and include (Morone, J.A., & Ehkle, D.C. (2014 or 2015) Health Politics and policy 5th edition) as a source.
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