Write an article on thermal effect in ultra sound Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The main issues covered in the studies on thermal effect in ultrasound concern the therapeutic effect of this kind of treatment. an impact influencing the human body etc. The following issues are covered in the research paper:Discussion of thermal effect requires consideration of the fact that thermal diagnostics is preferable while it doesn’t hurt the human body (Liu 2001, 1). Moreover, its effectiveness has been proven by numerous experiments. Especially, the high-resolution thermography of the skin surface is valuable nowadays. Dynamic imaging is the most optimal way to improve thermal diagnostics. The following figure presents a signal flow chart of dynamic imaging.In order to discuss the basic physical properties of thermal effects, it is necessary to give a brief overview of ultrasound-induced temperature rise. It changes with regard to tissue properties such as absorption coefficient, density, and others. depends on pulse repetition frequency and configuration of scanning (Smith 2001, 1427). A unique property of ultrasound-induced temperature rise is its relation to the center or its focal nature, which prevents from systemic heat-dissipating thermoregulatory mechanisms’ triggering.Physical properties of thermal effects are the following: thermal conductivity of tissue and blood perfusion of tissue (Smith 2001, 1429). Poor vascularization of tissues and essential heat conduct of tissue leads to the temperature rise. Tissues that are closer to the bone have a greater susceptibility to heat increase via conduction.Thermal effects in ultrasound are measured in accordance with the following parameters: a form of the wave, which can be pulsed or continuous. normal and spatial intensity (W/cm2), time of exposure, the cycle of operation, rate of occurrence. Thermal effects are more often caused by continuous waves.US or ultrasound has been acknowledged by clinical medicine as a proper means of clinical diagnostics. .