two-paragraph description about how the seven issues of identity influence who you are. Here are the notes below: The 7 issues of identity The issues of identity are important social categories. These affect how people behave – how we think and act. These affect everyone. Age Gender Race-ethnicity Religion Social Class Education Marital Status Examples of behavior linked to the issues of identity. Age People 50 years old and older are more likely to vote than people in their 20s and 30s. People in their 20s and 30s are less likely to know how to cook than people 50s years and older. Gender Women, on average, live longer than men. Women are more likely to diet than men, but when men diet they are more successful in reaching their goal. Race-ethnicity Racial intermarriage is patterned. Though I increasing, whites and blacks are less likely to intermarry one another than either group is to marry Latinos or Asian Americans. Food is linked to racial-ethnic celebrations. For example, Italian Americans will often eat ‘7 fishes’ on Christmas Eve. Religion Religious people are less likely to divorce than non-religious people. Religion can affect how people eat. For example, many Jews adhere to some or all aspects of a kosher diet. Social Class An individual’s health is generally better the higher up the individual is on the social ladder. The less affluent are more likely to live in food deserts than the more affluent. Education Because education is linked to social class, the same thing can be said for them – that an individual’s health is generally better the more education the individual is. Generally, the more educated eat a healthier diet of food than the less educated. Marital Status Married men generally live longer than single men. Single fathers are more likely than married men to cook like women – to focus on the wants and needs of others. It is nearly impossible for individuals to escape the influence of these 7 social forces. This does not mean that all people in one of these 7 social categories act the same. Individuals can respond differently to these; BUT more people in the category act similarly.