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The Roles of Andrew Jackson

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Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation(s) in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include scholarly articles, academic books, current affairs events, the textbook, the Bible, etc.

Open, courteous discussion will yield the greatest opportunities for growth in this course. The art of communication is in many ways the lifeblood of effective political leadership. Begin to cultivate the communication skills of the statesmen and stateswomen—the ability to logically and persuasively speak the truth with compassion, respect, and maturity.




· Nau, Henry R. Conservative Internationalism: Armed Diplomacy under Jefferson, Polk, Truman and Reagan 2013 chapter 5

· . Zimmermann Warren, First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a world Power 2002 chapters 8 – 9

· McCormick, James M. American Foreign Policy and Process 6TH 14 Chapters 6 - 7.  

      Myers, Bryant L. Engaging Globalization 2017 Chapters 6 - 7



The Roles of Andrew Jackson & James Polk

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The Roles of Andrew Jackson & James Polk

Andrew Jackson is believed to have been one of the outstanding presidents in the history of the United States.  In the battle of New Orleans in 1815, he managed to be a hero, as it is noted as one of the few land victories of the 1812 war. The era of President Jackson is faced with legacy controversy as he was not a career politician but a military hero.  He was considered an ‘outsider” (Opal, 2018). There is a criticism in that Jackson did not have any governing experience. The fact that he was considered an outsider was believed to have provided a housecleaning that the country needed. Jackson managed to lead his forces to the Spanish territory and captured Pensacola (Belohlavek, 1980). President Jackson formed the democrat party that has later emerged to be a strong political party. Jackson, in other dimensions, battled the second bank of the United States, which he termed as corrupt, by manipulating the paper money. On foreign relations, President Jackson craved the border of Mexico and Texas for the United States and made its purchase a priority for his presidential diplomacy (Latner, 2017). President Jackson did not achieve more on foreign affairs (Myers, 2019).

President James Polk is one of the United States who put a lot of emphasis on foreign policy. Among the achievements of President Polk on matters of foreign policy is the Annexation of Texas, whereby congress passed a joint resolution in support (Holden & Zolov, 2018).  Polk also made sure that he earned a compromise in Oregon, and the territorial expansion has seen the United...


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