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The Role of Gender Diversity in Finance Industry

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Research Paper Assignment Sheet

COMM 440 Organizational Communication

Part One: Introduction—1/2-1 page (15 points)


o   Introduce us to the topic you’re exploring. You may use scholarly or popular research to situate your topic within a contemporary context that will help us better understand what led you to decide on your topic.

o   Tell us why is your topic important to study?

o   Who will care about the analysis of this organization’s online communication?  Why?


Part Two: Research Literature Review- 3-4pages (50 points total)

Taking the scholarly research collected for this assignment, write a summary of the literature you reviewed.

Part Three: Presentation of Your Analysis—2-3 pages (40 points):

      Provide a description of how what you learned from the literature review will apply to an organization.

o Feel free to utilize and cite in-class readings or any of your sources as needed.  o Discuss 2-3 key  “claims” based on your research.  Each “claim” will then be supported by specific examples from your experience, media, or other readings. o For example: If youre analyzing how organizations socialize new members, you might make difference claims about specific aspects of socialization, then use your experience at State Farm Insurance communicates to illustrate the points.  

o Continue in this type of pattern, making a claim that addresses what you learned about your topic, then supporting it with multiple examples.  This requires you to make connections between the readings, what you see happening in a “real world” organization’s communication, and your own ideas about what is important and relevant to understanding that communication.  This is the hard part, but also the rewarding part!  You can do it!



Part Four: Conclusion—Tips for Organizations—1-2 pages (20 points)

      Suggestions:  Last, provide suggestions or tips to organizations for what they could do to help improve their communication, particularly with regard to your specific topic.  

o   List both the type of intervention you suggest (eg. reduce employee exposure to stressors), followed by the specific example of what should be changed (eg. work schedules provided in advance; ensure breaks taken, team debriefing after each shift).

o   Provide at least three (3) suggestions to the organization

      Future Research (3 points): Provide suggestions for future research” paragraph o What wasn’t included in your study, but is something that future researchers/consultations might explore?  

o   Future research ideas may also come from the literature you reviewed. o Include 2-3 suggestions for what others might study

      Take-Away (4 points): Provide a summary of what we learned from your research.

o   This is the “take-away” or the “so what” of your paper, and should be a restatement/summary of the Suggestions you made

o   What do we know now that we didn’t know before?




COMM 440 Organizational Communication

Ritter-Hayashi, Daniela, Vermeulen, Patrick, & Knoben, Joris. (2019). Is this a man’s world? The effect of gender diversity and gender equality on firm innovativeness. PloS One, 14(9), E0222443.

Keys, P., & Turner, P. (2006). Women as Finance Academics: Role Models and Researchers. Journal of Financial Education, 32, 1-19. Retrieved July 20, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/41948520

Knoben, Joris. (2019). Is this a man’s world? The effect of gender diversity and gender equality on firm innovativeness. PloS One, 14(9), E0222443

Sahay, R., & Cihak, M. (2018). Women in Finance: A Case for Closing Gaps. Staff Discussion Notes, 18(05), 1. doi:10.5089/9781484375907.006

Von Hippel, Courtney, Sekaquaptewa, Denise, & McFarlane, Matthew. (2015). Stereotype Threat Among Women in Finance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39(3), 405-414.





The Role of Gender Diversity in the Finance Industry

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The Role of Gender Diversity in the Finance Industry


Gender diversity, which is a balance between male and female gender, plays a pivotal role in finance and industry—researches as shown that most of the opportunities in the fiancé industry are given to males sidelining the females. The aspect of gender disparity is not only evidenced in developing but also in developed nations whereby top posts in the finance industry are spared for men. In contrast, feminine gender struggles to occupy the few subordinate posts. Lack of gender equality in the financial institutions has seen male gender being more informed on financial matters than the female gender. Embracing disparity in finance will facilitate the development in the finance industry itself, families, and the country's economy since females will stand a better chance of contributing productively in making finance-related decisions.

Research Literature review


Gender diversity is something that has not been fully accustomed in our today's society. Several researchers have shown that gender inequality is prevalent in the finance industry female being gender on the detriment in most cases.  Keys & Turner (2006), performed research in financial literacy and gender in high schools in the United States of America. The research showed that high school students lacked fundamental knowledge in financial topics such as inflation, interest rates, and risk diversification. Making the students unable to handles loads, insurance, retirement planning, and credit card successfully. Although, in general, the students lack fiancé related knowledge, the study identified the gender gap in financial academics. Keys & Turner (2006) found that even before the students were given financial instruction, male students had a better understanding of investment, insurance, and credit that female students. The researcher also found that more male students (70.5%) had a savings account than female students (52.6%).

The feminine gender is the minority in banking and finance fields deemed for masculine, ladies working in such fields are threatened with negative stereotypes in their workplaces. Stereotype threats among females in counting and management fields make them feel unfit for the job because their gender identity is not compatible with the accounting profession, (Denise, Courtney, McFarlane, Sekaquaptewa & Matthew, Von Hippel, 2015). The comprised of 512 female workers in the finance industry who completed a survey about their well-being at work, their working environment, and recommend younger ladies to work in the fiancé industry. The response given by the women showed that the stereotype they receipt at working place had greatly diminished their well-being at work and that we're not willing to advice other ladies to join their profession, these results were mediated by separation of identity.

There is a gender gap that exits in accessing and in the utilization of financial services. According to Sahay & Cihak (2018), financial inclusion is the main obstacle irrespective of gender, and efforts are required to resolve the issue for the whole population. Research shows that a considerable gap size prevails between ladies’ and gents’ financial inclusion. Women hold...


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