The Prospects of Classical Music in Modern-Day World. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. in the twenty-first century might not be as popular as it used to be in the nineteenth century, for instance, but it would surely be a gross exaggeration to say that such art form as classical music is dead or being pushed on the brink of extinction within the context of the evolution of modern society.Clearly, classical music is the pearl of great price within the context of the cultural heritage of mankind despite the fact that there is a lack of acceptance by modern-day popular culture. The fact that the base support of classical music is considerably lower than that of some popular music genres, especially when it comes to a younger audience, make many critics and experts, such as Mark Vanhoenacker, for instance, argue that classical music, as an art form, fails to meet the challenges of time and is being exposed to a threat of becoming a cultural anachronism with no loyal following at all in the years ahead (Vanhoenacker 3). Other critics admit that classical music experiences certain difficulties in general cultural positioning and fails to adequately address its own image problems within the context of present-day popular culture, but at the same time, many of them express the belief that challenges could become possibilities that might as well be an impulse for a positive change, which will bring classical music back in the center of cultural dialogue in the twenty-first century (Gilbert 4). Alan Gilbert in his article titled as Orchestras in the 21st Century - A New Paradigm makes attempt to analyze how altered musical traditions made classical music adjust to challenges of time as exemplified by the way orchestras, which play classical music, introduce new fresh ideas without compromising their artistic essence incidental to the performance of classical music (Gilbert 2). In order to reach their audience orchestra leaders often have to redefine the way their orchestras position themselves within their communities.