Format: Typed, double-spaced in a Times New Roman 12-point font. Should be a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 12 pages in length. Must follow MLA-8 citation guidelines. Both in-text citations and a Works Cited page are required; failure to include either upon submission will result in a failing grade. Three scholarly sources (found in the library databases) are required. Incorporate and integrate research smoothly in accordance with MLA documentation standards. Correctly use grammar, mechanics, usage, and syntax of Standard English. Demonstrate sophistication of style in terms of diction and sentence structure. Organize your essay coherently. Analysis: Demonstrate a depth of analysis by not positing the obvious or taking an unsupportable position in your essay. Use appropriate vocabulary for literary analysis and define theoretical terms as you are using them to make analytical claims about the novel. Ensure that the research you conduct is appropriate and relevant to the overall argument you present in your essay. Demonstrate an awareness of an appropriate audience, in this case, your professor. You are expected to use the primary critical texts associated with the school of criticism you are employing in your analysis. Synthesis Paragraph after beginning paragraph A lesson before dying while looking at Postcolonial Criticism and Race Theory