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The Postcolonial Criticism and Race Theory


Format:  Typed, double-spaced in a Times New Roman 12-point font.  Should be a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 12 pages in length.  Must follow MLA-8 citation guidelines.  Both in-text citations and a Works Cited page are required; failure to include either upon submission will result in a failing grade.  Three scholarly sources (found in the library databases) are required.  Incorporate and integrate research smoothly in accordance with MLA documentation standards.   Correctly use grammar, mechanics, usage, and syntax of Standard English.  Demonstrate sophistication of style in terms of diction and sentence structure.  Organize your essay coherently. Analysis:  Demonstrate a depth of analysis by not positing the obvious or taking an unsupportable position in your essay.  Use appropriate vocabulary for literary analysis and define theoretical terms as you are using them to make analytical claims about the novel.  Ensure that the research you conduct is appropriate and relevant to the overall argument you present in your essay.   Demonstrate an awareness of an appropriate audience, in this case, your professor.  You are expected to use the primary critical texts associated with the school of criticism you are employing in your analysis.  Synthesis Paragraph after beginning paragraph  A lesson before dying while looking at Postcolonial Criticism and Race Theory
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