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The Nobel Lecture 


The Nobel Lecture Summary & Essay is a required Assignment, and is worth 6% of your final Lecture grade. The Final Draft is due Tuesday, November 3. Check the posted Nobel Lectures (/Course Materials).  Read a complete lecture.  Look up one or two key References, if necessary, to make sure you understand the key hypotheses and Results presented in that particular Nobel Lecture.  Summarize and review the lecture in a 3 – 4 page, single (or 1.15) spaced paper following the same general format as for a Term Paper (Title, Introduction, Individual Topics with subheaders, as appropriate (Note: if lecture chosen "rambles" without pauses or topic sentences, then your summary of same need not have topic headers), Discussion/Conclusions, References). Include some personal comments about how you responded to the author's presentation (Was it clear? Was the importance of the work obvious? Did the work seem to progress well beyond key original findings that earned the Nobel Prize? Did you learn anything about the author's way of thinking about and approaching problems?.
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