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The Honors College envisions a mutually beneficial relationship with its students

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The Honors College envisions a mutually beneficial relationship with its students


The Honors College envisions a mutually beneficial relationship with its studentsThe Honors College envisions a mutually beneficial relationship with its students. How will your participation in the Honors College enhance your experience at Georgia State? What interests, skills, and talents will you bring to the Honors College? What are your post-graduation plans? (min 500 words)


I struggle with learning new things because my family steadily moved between different countries and this situation made it difficult for me to keep up with my education. The challenge of adapting to new and conflicting environments limited my efforts in gaining knowledge on different aspects of life. The constant migration disrupted not only my education but also the ability to comprehend class material because of language barrier.  


My educational journey has been full of challenges. For example, even though I showed devotion to learning Mandarin, I found it difficult to pronounce words and construct simple sentences. When my family moved to Taiwan, it became hard for me to attend mathematics classes because students calculated logistics and square roots by hand. I was frustrated by this education system due the failure to adopt calculators. Besides, due to cultural differences, I experienced embarrassing moments in my English 1102 class since I did not understand Taiwanese social customs. All of these show how difficult my academic journey has been; however, my passion for learning has remained intact.


Before my eighteenth birthday, we moved to Georgia from Taiwan, and I joined the Georgia State University. I was attracted to the culture of the school due to the inclusivity policies that welcomed students from all over the world. Even though my English was not fluent, I did not experience any problems because everyone was kind and ready to help. My classmates helped me to learn about the customs and ideals of American society. Also, my lecturers were kind enough whenever I scheduled appointments with them. For example, my psychology professor helped me to learn about complex psychological processes. I had the same pleasant experience with both my English and Statistics lecturers who ensured that I was comfortable and understood their lectures.



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