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The History of Firefighters

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Unit VII Essay
Expository Essay Draft
Write a 4-page essay about a topic of your choice in the style described within Unit VI and VII.
Purpose: Throughout Units VI and VII, we have discussed the conventions of the expository essay. The purpose of this
assignment is to measure your mastery of those conventions by putting your knowledge to practice. As we discussed in
Unit VI, Lesson 1, the expository essay is a general term for an essay that expounds upon or explains a topic. The
objective of the essay is to convey information to the reader; most importantly, an expository essay is an exploration of
a topic, and the tone is explanatory. After choosing your topic, you will need to choose the form that is most appropriate
to fit the topic: cause and effect, problem and solution, or sequential. A thesis statement, which contains the paper’s
argument, will be appropriate to the form you choose.
Process: For the expository essay, you will complete the following steps:
1. Choose a topic: See Unit VI, Lesson 2, for more information about choosing a topic.
2. Create a plan of action: See Unit VI, Lesson 3, for strategies for assessing what you already know and assessing
what you need to know.
3. Research the topic: See Unit VI, Lesson 4, for instruction on research methods.
4. Choose the organization of your essay: Choose between cause and effect, problem and solution, or sequential
organization types. See Unit VI, Lesson 1, for a list of the three organizational forms, and see Unit VII, Lesson 1,
for a description of thesis statements written according to the organizational form of the essay.
5. Create a thesis statement: See Unit VII, Lesson 1, for a description of thesis statements written according to the
organizational form of the essay.
6. Draft the essay: See Unit VII, Lesson 1, for keeping brainstorming in mind and Unit VII, Lesson 2, for more on the
drafting process and description of each essay section.
Stylistic details: All essays must meet the following requirements:
· Include 1100-1500 words.
· Write in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
· Include one-inch margins on all sides.
· Use double spacing (top-to-bottom every page, to include above and below titles and centered words).
· Include an APA title page (for all essays) and a reference list that includes all of the sources used in the essay.
· Include a header.
· Include page numbers (upper-right corner only).
· Adhere to APA convention and documentation style (See the CSU citation guide for assistance.).
· At least one source is required. All sources used must be cited.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.


The History of Firefighters





Presently, firefighting has gradually advanced over a period of regarding improvements as well as developments since as early pre-history (Firefighter Foundation, 2018). Man has always battled to control flames since the discovery of fire. Firefighting involves techniques that are used to extinguish a fire by limiting the damaged caused by them. It is an exercise that entails the removal of one or more elements essential to oxygen, heat, and combustion-fuel or by simply interrupting the combustion chain reaction. Indeed, the first recognized firefighting equipment that was used to put out the fire was constructed during ancient Egypt (Windsor Fire, 2014). The history of firefighters credits Ctesibius a man from Alexandria as one of the earliest proponents of firefighting skills and techniques. Around the 3rd Century, Ctesibius is known to have built firefighting equipment that was powered by a water pump. Nonetheless, there is substantial evidence supporting the argument that firefighting began under the rule of Emperor Caesar Augustus during the ancient Rome.

In the ancient Rome, a fire brigade of 500 men was established by Marcus Licinius Crassus. Gradually, Crassus created a firefighting company that helped him amass more wealth despite coming from a wealthy family. Lambert (2018) argues that Crassus took advantage of the lack of firefighters in the ancient Rome. The Crassus fire brigade would only put out a fire in a building if the property owner managed to pay the agreed amount otherwise the building would be let burn down. However, Emperor Caesar Augustus formed Vigiles a group of firefighters to deal with fire outbreaks using water pumps and buckets in AD 60; these groups consisted of ex-slaves. The Vigiles under the authority of the emperor were mandated to combat fire outbreaks in Rome. As a result, during fire outbreaks, the Vigiles using the hand to hand techniques from the closest water point and pass water buckets so that to put out the flames.

Around AD 43 after the Roman Invasion Britain organized and established the countries first firefighting unit. According to Lambert (2018), it is imperative to acknowledge that even at the moment firefighting was limited to nothing but the use of water buckets hence the capacity of firefighters was limited. However, after the Romans left Britain the practice of firefighting drastically declined considering most of the communities fell into a state of decline. Consequently, most of the town that face fire outbreaks burnt down due to the lack of firefighting equipment and personnel. This situation forces some of the parishes to organize basic firefighting; nonetheless, there were no standards or regulations to enforce and support the practice. Firefighting was standardized after the Great Fire of London in 1666, hence laying the foundations for the exercise by supporting firefighters.  To date, the exact number of the death toll remains unknown however it is argued that the fire started on Pudding Lane in Thomas Farriner bakery.

In Britain after the Great Fire of London, in 1667 Nicholas Barbon established the “The Fire Office” the first fire insurance company. Nicholas Barbon, run a small team of Tames watermen as firefighters' under the company's fire brigade. Before the early 1800s, other fire insurance companies had been opened hence most of the property was protected. Property owners who were covered were issued with fire mark or badges as a sign of identification by firefighters. In Alexandria, Virginia, George Washington was drafted as a firefighter before becoming the president of...


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