Need help with my writing homework on Effectiveness Of Using Solar Power In Providing Energy To Space Air Conditioning. Write a 2750 word paper answering; Basically .space conditioning refers to the control of temperature, moisture content, air quality, and air circulation as required by the occupants, a process, or a product in the space. This process requires the use of electric power to aid the heating and cooling processes involved.However, previous research has shown that space conditioning contributes approximately 6.5% of the total greenhouse gas emissions globally through the use of thermodynamic electricity to provide heating and cooling. In 2004, the use of space conditioning in residential buildings and commercial buildings contributed about 57% and 35% respectively to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This means that approximately 6.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to space conditioning.On the other hand, research has also shown that space conditioning basically consumes a lower capacity of energy which can even be sustained by the effective use of solar energy. It is against this background that the study seeks to investigate how the widespread use of solar energy in space conditioning would act as a remedy in reducing the disastrous consequences of greenhouse gas emissions globally.Currently, thermodynamic electricity with higher voltages is used to provide energy for space conditioning in many buildings across the whole world. To a certain extent, this is also costly as another relatively cheaper source of energy in the form of solar energy which also has the capacity to provide enough power in the process of space conditioning can be effectively used as an alternative to the use of thermal electricity.The sun basically provides enough energy daily that can be stored using specifically designed gadgets for the purpose. Solar energy can also be directly used in space heating or cooling through the use of appropriate devices.