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The effectiveness of Social Media Marketing as a Branding Tool for SMEs in Kosovo

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This research proposal; must have the following structure:

§  Abstract (about half page describing main points that are dissucssed and results generated from the research literature review)

§  Title page 

§  Contents (table with numbers)

§  Introduction (A brief detailed evolution of the effect of the digital marketing to emerging economies, samples and cases with citations. The aim is to answer what, why, when, how, where and who?)

§  Literature Review –(Gap Identification/ under-researched areas (About 15 pages based on literature review. You must specify the main terms and definitions. But also, find gaps of your research idea. 20 references about literature review).

§  Research Problem/query, research objectives ( Be ensured that you have at least 3 research questions that can have an answer. These 5 variables must be specified for further tests; Headline, Content, Colors, Timing and Frequency, and Layout ).

§  Methodology Description & Justification me (This session will propose some methods, techniques, and ways on which the topic is meant to be constructed and developed further. Here you must specify what methodology is proposed to use qualitative or quantitative, questionnaire or interviews, primary or secondary data. Also it is required to cite if other topics have used these methodologies. If questionnaires then you have to find them through literature review that is done. Moreover, 1. Does your methodology section justify your approach? Does your method clearly indicate how you are going to investigate? USE 20 references to support methodology!

§  Draft of data collection questioning routes (After it is shown and described with sufficient literature review the effect of digital marketing on emerging economies and already known indicators now it is time to describe the way on how variariables are related to each other and what would be the effect of independed variable to the other variables and vice-versa.Dou to have access to data?)

§  A Timetable of the Dissertation’s Completion Plan

§  Bibliography – you must utilise the Harvard Reference System (All citations must be on Hardvard Reference System)




The effectiveness of Social Media Marketing as a Branding Tool for SMEs in Kosovo






Through the development of Web 2.0 applications, the level of interaction among business practices has significantly shifted into assuming a more interactive mode of operations. SMEs in Kosovo have appreciated the significance of utilizing social media marketing as an avenue of enhancing their online branding campaigns. According to Official Statistics of Finland (2016c), social media marketing enables a business to access the targeted audience thereby generating brand equity through different online platforms such as Twitter. This research proposal will be supported by academic and non-academic sources. The research gap was identified because of the availability of inadequate literature review elaborating the on the efficiency of utilizing online marketing as a way of improving SMEs online branding campaigns. This research proposal will ascertain the effectiveness of utilizing social media marketing as an avenue for enhancing their online branding campaigns. The main findings will suggest and support the importance of SMEs incorporating social media marketing in business operation so that to maximize on profit margins. 


Table of Contents                            

Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii

1.0 Introduction. 1

2.0 Research questions and objectives 1

2.1 Objectives of the study. 2

2.1.1 Main objective. 2

2.1.2 Specific objectives 2

2.2 Research questions 2

3.0 Literature Review.. 2

3.1 The role of social media among SMEs 2

3.2 Social media platforms used for branding. 3

3.3 Benefits and success factors of using social media marketing for branding campaigns 4

3.4 Social media as a branding tool 4

3.4.1 Brand Awareness 4


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