Throughout the semester, you have learned about various components, processes, and interactions in the “Earth System”; in other words, the “natural environment”. Choose an aspect of the Earth System that you thought was particularly interesting and write about it (MAKE SURE IT IS ABOUT SOMETHING WE COVERED IN CLASS; SOMETHING RELEVANT ABOUT NATURE). Include what the basic components (“parts”) are, discuss some processes (“things that are happening”), and explore some ongoing interactions (“how some things are affecting other things”). Example: Here is a very simple, basic example, just to give you an idea (I didn’t elaborate here because it is up to you to do that over 5 paragraphs): You might choose earthquakes (THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE. CHOOSE WHATEVER YOU LIKE THAT IS RELEVANT TO THIS CLASS). What is particularly interesting about them to you? Why did you choose them? You would need to address the “parts” involved, such as faults and energy waves (and more). You would then need to discuss the “things that are happening”, such as the waves moving through the ground and then shaking things up on the surface (and more). You would finally need to discuss “how some things are affecting other things”, such as the earthquake creating a tsunami, which affects people along coastlines (and more).