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The Devil in Silicon Valley Book Review


Book Review: The Devil in Silicon Valley In this assignment you are invited to “think” and “work” like a critical, politically engaged scholar. In order to acquaint you with the tasks, skills, and motivations required of serious academic work, you are expected to critically evaluate a short work by an author or public intellectual who engage issues of race and racial formation as well as other social exclusions related to the ethnic Mexican experience. Scholarly reviews are short; usually six hundred to two thousand words and typically assess only one book. A review summarizes the author’s argument and assesses his or her success in presenting it. In addition to evaluating the author’s claim, the review also examines the author’s organization, use of evidence, and conclusions. A well crafted review links the critique of the author’s claims to major debates in a specific field, e.g. Ethnic Studies. A critical review does not re-narrate a book. Make sure to judge or evaluate the book you have selected and not the one you would have preferred had been written! Does the text you selected deliver what it promised at the outset? Your appraisal should be supported by details or evidence found in the book when appropriate, accurately quoting from the text only when necessary to support your critique. Reviews of this sort do not use footnotes or endnotes –if you do quote the author simply indicate the page number in parenthesis at the end of the quotation. Begin your book review by listing the book under review, including the author, title, publication information (location of publication, publisher, date), and the elements of the book (number of pages, maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index).
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