Introduction The very core of being human is that we all pass through the same stages of life from being born to being children, from (sometimes) having children ourselves to growing old to die. It’s not surprising that this core experience is a rich topic for art.Unit Learning OutcomesDiscuss some of the ways in which an awareness of our own mortality is reflected in art. (CLO 2,3,4)Outline some of the narratives suggested by images of youth and aging. (CLO 2,3,4)In each unit discussion, you will have a post where you address one or more of the questions posed. A high-quality post will be:on timethoughtfulanswer thoroughlyuse specific examples of artwork and/or use sources including the text, and online or offline articles to support its points. DirectionsWatch the following videos.Research and explore other information on these artists and their artwork.Read the discussion questions below and leave your comments using the "Reply" prompt.Make sure you proofread your posts and cite your sources using MLA format.Videos QuestionsRequired questions:Which specific work did you respond to the most?What thoughts or feelings did it bring up for you and how does it connect with the ideas in this chapter?Choose 1 (one) of the following questions to answer:Consider the photographs of Mary Kelly’s Post-Partum Document.Think about how you’ve been documented.What motivated your parents to document you?What motivates you to document yourself?Compare the collaboration work between Antoni and Petronio with Gustav Klimt’s painting. How do you think these works give us different views of death?