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Term paper

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Submission guideline:

·         Kindly use times new roman # 12 and save the name of the word document with your first and last name.

·         All answers must be explained in detail. One word answers will not be graded.

·         All answers can be found in the iBook or online research.

·         All work must be cited (both in text and references). Points will be taken off for any work without a proper citation or reference.


1.      How does technology effect ecological, social, practical, moral, ethical, political, and aesthetic values in the society?

2.      Which company, according to you, has a better eco-system (user friendly) between Dell and Apple? 

3.      What are the features of an e-book reader?

4.      Is Windows 10 better than Windows 8? Why or why not?

5.      How can users hide folders on Windows 10?

6.      How has cloud computing changed our way of living life?

7.      What are the services provided by Office 365?

8.      Briefly explain the following:

a.       Yammer

b.      Online meetings

9.      What is happening with Adobe Flash?

10.   What is the most disruptive educational technology, currently being implemented?



                                                                    Term paper                                 


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Term paper

1: Effects of Technology

§  Ecology- extinction of some animals and plant species has occurred due to deforestation to create room for factories

§  Social- interaction, and communication among people in different geographical area has become possible with technology.

§  Practical- technology has made practical activities simple for people because one can learn practically through video.

§  Moral-technology has helped provide people with the opportunity to learn what is right and wrong and improve morals.

§  Ethical-technology has facelifted privacy violation like piracy.

§  Political- unfairness in the electoral process has emerged due to vote-rigging.

§  Aesthetic-excellent product design has become possible with the use of technology hence high aesthetic value.

Question 2: Which Company Has a Better Eco-System between Dells? And Apple?

Dell Company is doing better in the ecosystem than Apple because Dell has partnered with technology to offer great opportunities to its consumers to enjoy a large consumer base, complete infrastructure stack, and sale channel. Such services help the customers optimize their data and apps management to achieve desired enterprise results.   Dell technologies ecosystem brings together innovative technology and service firms to help their clients be at the forefront of the change at minimal cost increase (


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